Chapter Nine- Not Found

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"Where have you guys been?" Tubbo asked as you and Dream dropped down the water tunnel and entered the main room. "Figuring out the best plan for security," you answered. "And also wrecking Dream at ender pearl throwing."

"I was just a tiny bit off!" Dream protested. 

"He's going to teach you how to throw ender pearls accurately," you told them. 

"Hold on, when was that decided?" Dream asked. 

"Right now," you replied. 

He sighed. "Fine."


A few hours later, everything was going well. You had the security system all planned out. Tommy and Tubbo were progressing rapidly with their training, both in pearl-throwing and in combat. You were ready to set up the camouflage that would keep the base hidden. You just needed one last thing. 

"Where am I supposed to get diamonds right now?" Dream asked when you told him what you needed. "There aren't any caves in this forest!" 

"Then mine for them," you said. "Come on, it'll take you maybe ten minutes."

"It's not that simple," he protested. 

"Oh, and we don't have the world's greatest Minecraft player right here," you retorted.

He grinned at you. "Point taken."

About seven minutes later, Dream returned and gave you half a stack of diamonds. "That enough?" he asked. "Definitely," you answered. "Told you it wouldn't be hard."

"Why don't you try it then, if it's so easy?" he challenged playfully. "Oh, I couldn't, I'm too busy hiding this place," you said innocently. "I just don't have the time."

"You just don't want to admit I'm good at mining," Dream deduced. "Yeah," you agreed. "Now if you'll excuse me, I've got some security to set up."

He laughed and left you alone. You took the elevator back up to the surface and set to work putting everything in place. Soon, the hole in the ground was covered with a grass block that was pulled under the tree at the press of a button. The only question now was where to put the button. 

You opened the tunnel and threw a spare piece of wood down the hole. You heard the splash as it hit the water. 

"What?" Dream yelled up to you.

"Get up here!" you shouted back. "I need suggestions on where to put this!"

"Why would I know?" he called, but came to the surface anyway. "Oh, you want to know where to put the button." He looked around when you nodded. "Maybe over here, if you can bring the circuit around." You joined him beside a tree that was roughly the same size as all the others. Its color was dark, about the same color as the button was. 

"If I cut into the tree a little bit right here," Dream was saying, "You should be able to fit the button in, then we can make a small tunnel for the redstone dust to connect to it."

"Sounds good to me," you agreed. Dream took out a netherite axe and carefully cut away a small rectangle from the tree. The button didn't quite fit. Dream chipped away at the bark a little bit more. "Try it now," he offered. You placed the button in the hole. This time it fit perfectly.

"Now for the redstone," Dream said. He continued cutting, carving a tunnel that led from the button to the back of the tree. "Let's see how that works," he said after he'd finished. 

You set up the redstone dust and placed grass to hide it from view. When you were done, you nodded at Dream, who was standing beside the button. He pressed it and you both watched as the solid ground slid smoothly away to reveal the water tunnel. 

"Nice," Dream said, doing a backflip into the hole and plummeting into the water. You smiled, amused, and followed him. You'd set the button on a timer that gave power to the redstone for a certain amount of time, so you didn't have to worry about closing it. Sure enough, the ground slid back over the hole a few seconds later.

Dream went into the main room. You considered following him and seeing what the others were up to, but decided against it. Instead, you went into the kitchen and checked the supplies. There was a wide selection of food to choose from, organized into barrels that were lined up along one wall. 

You went through each one of them, checking the contents and making sure everything was in its place. Most of the meat barrels were full or at least near full. However, the barrels that held the plants were low or even empty. There were a few apples, carrots, and potatoes, but everything else was gone. You realized there wasn't a garden room for growing new things. You'd have to add another area to the base later. For now, you took a piece of mutton from one of the meat barrels and headed into the main room. 

"You have to make it easier!" Tommy was yelling when you arrived. "It's as easy as it's ever going to be," Dream said coolly. "You just need to improve your skill."

"How am I supposed to do that when you don't actually teach me anything?" Tommy demanded. "I've learned more from Techno than I have from you!"

"Then start paying better attention," Dream hissed. "And start doing what I tell you to do!"

"What's going on here?" you ask, stepping between them.

"Tommy's getting mad over simple things again," Dream said.

"Dream's combat training is too hard and he won't change it," Tommy corrected. "I can't learn from this. He's trying to teach me stuff that's too advanced. Probably trying to show me how skilled he is. And yes, I get it, but seriously, TEACH ME SOMETHING I CAN USE!!!"

"You two really need to calm down," you told both of them. Tommy huffed and crossed his arms.

"I am calm," Dream said. "I wasn't angry in the first place."

"Yeah, you were," you told him. "I could feel it from across the room, so don't bother trying to convince me otherwise."

Tommy grinned at Dream. "Forgot she could do that, didn't you?" he asked. Dream smiled back. "Yeah."

"Now let's see if we can solve this without any more arguing," you suggested. 

"Doubtful," Dream muttered. You gave him a pointed look and he rolled his eyes. "You know what, fine. I'll just give him something for beginners." He glanced at Tommy. "Maybe then you'll actually learn something."

"We'll see," Tommy decided. "Tomorrow."

"Where's Tubbo?" you asked, changing the subject. 

"No idea," Dream answered, obviously not concerned. "Probably went to explore or something."

"How big is this place?" you asked. 

Dream shrugged. "Not that big. I mean, I couldn't give you exact measurements, but I'd say at least 20 rooms."

"By the way, we need to add a garden later," you said. "We're really running low on plants."

"If you want," he answered.

"I have a feeling that Tubbo wouldn't go far from the main area in case he got lost," Tommy said. "And if he was exploring and heard us arguing, he would've come back to see what the problem was."

"So why isn't he back?" you asked, mainly to yourself.

Dream's voice was as cold as ice. "I think I know why," he said. You turned toward him and saw him looking toward the elevator. "He might have gone to explore the surface. I told both of them where the button was, so he would've been able to come back inside. Unless..."

Your heart sank as you finished his sentence.

"Unless Technoblade has him."

Taken- A Dream SMP FanficWhere stories live. Discover now