Chapter Thirteen- Into the Fortress

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"There it is," Tommy whispered, awestruck. You couldn't blame him. Technoblade's base was huge. If base was the right word for a structure like this. It didn't really do justice to the looming turrets and sweeping arches of the building. Maybe fortress was a better description. 

"Alright, you guys ready?" Dream asked softly. "You all know where to go?"

You nodded, then remembered you were invisible, thanks to the potion Dream had splashed on you all. "Yes," you whispered, hearing similar murmurs from the rest of the group.

"Then let's go," Dream said quietly. You slowly crept across the bridge that spanned the castle's moat, careful not to shake or move anything that couldn't be moved by the wind. You knew that someone was likely watching for intruders. Actually, if they could see you, you could probably see them. 

You looked around, seeing nothing. Maybe the watcher was also invisible. Then you remembered Philza and looked up.

Sure enough, there was a shape circling the castle, high among the clouds. 

"He must have really sharp eyesight," Dream whispered from beside you. You jumped. "When did you get here?" you asked in a whisper. 

"I've been here the whole time," he answered, amused. "Now go, the others are almost here and I don't want too many people shaking the bridge at once."

You quickly made it across the bridge and looked back. You couldn't tell that anyone was crossing, so hopefully Phil wouldn't notice either. You went to the spot near the door you'd been instructed and waited for Dream's signal. While the others got into positions discussed before entering, you watched the sky. 

Philza was still circling, but he was a little lower. You wondered what it would feel like to have wings and to fly through the clouds. 

Phil stopped his circling, dropped lower, and hovered. Clearly he'd seen something. You kept as still as you could, holding your breath. A few seconds later, Phil swerved into the clouds, narrowly dodging the lime green firework that whizzed past him and lit up the sky. 

Dream's signal. 

You heard thundering footsteps coming up to the large wooden doors and leaped back as they flew open. Technoblade stormed through, his netherite sword gleaming in the harsh sunlight. You quickly slipped through the doorway as he slammed the heavy doors closed behind him. 

You blinked for a moment, your eyes adjusting to the dimmer light inside the castle. Red carpet covered the floors, leading you to room after room. Torch holders lined the walls and lit the hallways you traveled through. The rooms were beautiful, but none were the ones you were looking for. You sped up, knowing you didn't have long before...

"INTRUDERS!" Techno bellowed. "Skeppy, stay alert! Don't let them get near the prisoner! I'm closing the doors so they can't get in easily." A moment of silence. "Yeah, I know, they could be here already, but still!" He paused again. "Yes, yes, I know, really. You can talk to me about that later, we have bigger problems right now." He fell silent again. "OF COURSE I KNEW IT WOULD HAPPEN!!!" he shouted suddenly. "YOU DON'T TAKE STUFF FROM DREAM AND EXPECT HIM TO IGNORE YOU!!!" He sighed. "Why do I even bother?"

His hearing was even sharper than you thought, you realized with alarm. You had to get out of there before you made a mistake and he heard you. You crept past him, holding your breath. You expected him to hear you at any moment. Thankfully, you made it out of the room without any incident. As you left, you heard Techno mutter something. Curiosity got the better of you and you turned back, listening for anything else he might say. You were about to give up and go on when you heard him speak again, in a low murmur that was almost too quiet to hear.

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