Chapter Three- The Serverworld

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As the static faded from your eyes, you opened them and blinked a few times, adjusting to the bright sunlight. Grass waved around your feet. Birds chirped in the distance. A bright yellow sun shone down from an ocean-blue sky. You got to your feet from your current sitting position, looking around you. Several people were here in this strange place with you, and thankfully you recognized the familiar forms, though not the faces. A man in a meadow green hoodie wearing a smiling mask walked up to you. "You okay, Y/N?" 

You nodded and sighed with relief. It looked like everyone was fine. Aside from Dream, who was now standing beside you as you survey the land, you were surprised by what you saw. You'd expected Technoblade, Skeppy, and Philza to be there, but you hadn't expected for them to look so similar to their canon characters. Technoblade looked almost exactly like a piglin, albeit one with flowing red robes, pink hair, and a bejeweled crown. A netherite sword hung at his side, gleaming with several enchantments. Philza had on his usual jade green robe and striped green hat. A pair of shimmering silver wings protruded from his back, gleaming in the sunlight. Skeppy was almost a normal person, except that his skin had a blue tint to it. A full set of diamond armor covered him. 

There were several people you recognized by their outfits only. Sapnap was there, his black headband whisking around his head in the breeze. A swiftness potion hung from his black belt. George was standing next to him, looking around in confusion. His red and blue goggles rested on his head, throwing reflected sunlight in all directions. BadBoyHalo was standing in a patch of shadow under a tree, his black skin and robes making him almost invisible. His red horns and white eyes stood in contrast to his dark figure and you could see an invisibility potion tucked inside his robes. Ranboo was the most astonishing of all. His skin was split into the usual black and white halves, complimented by his neat black suit, pants, and shoes. His hair was the opposite of his skin, with black hair on the white side and vice versa. A golden crown dotted with alternating rubies and emeralds rested just above his horns and ears, matching the colors of his eyes. 

You realized that three important people were not with the group. You scanned the surrounding area and spotted them sitting by a pond. Tommy had his usual red and white shirt on. His golden blond hair whisked around in the breeze. He looked no more than 18 years old. Next to him was Tubbo, who also looked around 18 years old but looked a bit older than his brother. His jade green jacket was slightly rumpled. His dirty blond hair was complimented by his doe-brown eyes. Wilbur stood next to them, his dark brown trench coat warm from the sun. His hand rested on Tommy's shoulder. He was saying something to the younger boy, but you couldn't tell what. 

You glanced over at Dream, standing next to you. He was looking across the field at Sapnap and George. You didn't know how, but you could somehow sense that his eyes were on them even through the mask that hid his face. You hoped that he wouldn't be bothered if you left. You stepped away from him and walked over to the trio by the lake. Wilbur looked up as you approached. "Hey, Y/N, right?" he asked. "Did you need something?"

"No," you replied. "I just wanted to see how all you guys are getting along. Does anybody even know where we are?" Wilbur shook his head. "No clue. This has never happened before." You sat down beside them and frustratedly pulled on a few clumps of grass. The fifth one you pulled turned to seeds in your hand. Confused, you pulled a few more, watching as random grass blades morphed into seeds when you pulled them. "Guys, look at this," you said, pulling up more grass. Tommy and Tubbo watched you curiously, then started pulling up grass themselves. Wilbur, however, stayed still. He whispered something unintelligible. You ask him to repeat it and he sighed. You could feel the certainty coming off of him in waves. "I think I know where we are," he told you. "Really?" you asked. "Where?" Wilbur shook his head. "I need to test something first." 

Pulling out a flint and steel, he clicked it once near a grass blade. Instantly, sparks flew from the flint and steel, hitting the grass. You stared in surprise as about three square feet of grass burst into flames. The fire didn't leave the square. Wilbur punched the burning grass lightly and the fire promptly went out. He stood back up and looked toward the bright blue sky. "We really are," he said to himself. "Are what?" you asked. He looked back down at you. "Not what. Where." A few seconds pass as you waited for him to continue. He glanced back toward the main group. "I need to talk to Dream." You stepped in front of him. "Please, just tell me where we are," you said. He hesitated. 


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