Chapter Thirty

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The strings of light pulsed and beamed, then began to get duller and duller. Soon, they were almost the brightness of normal string. 

Then they lit up, flashing and sparking and glowing and filling the world with so many colors they combined into one unified white blast of light that lifted you up, up, up...


Nightworld was free.

It didn't know how, it didn't know why, and it didn't know where to go. But at least it could go where it pleased. And there was only one place it wanted to go. Away. 

It knew it could finally do something. 

Some of the beings were fading. That was alright. The others, they stayed. Even after the strange ones that moved and fought and messed up the balance were gone, they never left, just changed. Piglins and hoglins became normal animals and went back to their natural home. Blazes returned to fire and ghasts ceased to roam the skies. The charred bones of the wither skeletons turned to ash.

Everything was silent. Everything was calm. Everything was right.

Nightworld was back where it belonged. Alone, free in the universe, never to be seen from again.


You opened your eyes. Birds sang outside your window. You heard your neighbor's dog barking. 

For a moment, you wondered where you were.

Then you remembered.

With a quick breath, you looked up at your computer. The time was the same as it was when you'd been pulled into the server. The opening screen of Minecraft flashed cheerfully at you, the day's random message being Have you got one? You opened the server menu and clicked on the Dream SMP. 

A ping from your headset alerted you to an incoming Discord call. You accepted the invite and waited for the call to come through.

"Was it real?"

You realized the question had been spoken aloud. You weren't sure who had asked it, but you were both wondering it.

"We'll have to find out," you murmured.

The game loaded in and you followed Dream to the Nether. There was a huge crater in the ground, but this time it was blocky. 

"It really did," Dream whispered. "It did happen."

"I know," I almost thought I imagined it," Wilbur said, appearing in the game and the Discord.

"It definitely feels imagined," Tommy agreed, joining.

"We definitely can't use abilities anymore," Wilbur commented.

"Were you trying it?" Tommy asked accusingly.

Wilbur shrugged. "Maybe."

"Not that it matters if it didn't work," Philza said, appearing and instantly trying to mediate.

"But what if it does?" Tubbo asked as he loaded in.

"You know what, how about we talk when everyone has gotten here?" Technoblade suggested sensibly.

You all waited for another few minutes as everyone else joined the game. 

"So," Dream said. "It happened. We're back."

"GUYS!" George shouted suddenly. "Guys, guess what I just found!"

"Do tell," Sapnap invited sardonically.

"Okay, so I looked at my editing app, you know, to work on Friday's video," George said excitedly. "And I found film of our entire... thing! Adventure, incident, story, whatever you wanna call it."

"No way," you said, opening your editor app. Sure enough, the whole... thing, as George had called it, was there. 

"This is content for weeks!" Ranboo exclaimed. "I won't have to work for who knows how long!"

"Vacation, here we come!" Tubbo said eagerly.

"Beach trip?" BadBoyHalo suggested.

"I get enough of beaches, there are plenty of them not far from my place," Dream said. "How about the mountains?"

"Oooooooh," Tommy said. 

"Sounds fun," you agreed.

"When should we go?" Phil asked.

As you planned your trip, you thought for a moment about what you'd just done. It was really kind of incredible. Gotten pulled into a video game, of all things. Beaten a giant mob that wasn't actually supposed to exist. Destroyed strings of light that altered an entire realm! You weren't sure how much more adventure you could take. It would be nice to just hang out with people and relax.

"So, that's settled," Dream said. 

"Yup. What should we call this new content that's saving us all this time?" George asked.

"Well, what did we do?" Phil asked reasonably.

"Umm, let's see...," Tubbo answered. "We got taken into the game, first of all."

"We put together relations and alliances," Tommy continued.

"We had a war that taught us to work together," Technoblade mused.

"We used our own skills and abilities to overcome massive obstacles," Skeppy added.

"We learned the story of a realm that affected even ours," BadBoyHalo put in.

"And we used that story to fix the problem between the realms," Ranboo concluded.

"We were definitely taken through an incredible experience," George said.

"And taken into a situation that has never occurred before," Dream added.

"Well, what should we name it?" Sapnap asked.

You thought for a moment, then realized that Dream was looking at you expectantly. You realized they were all leaving the decision up to you. And you knew what your series should be called.



And that's it! I hope you all enjoyed Taken! If you did, please take a second to vote on it. It's really encouraging to us authors.

Also, I wanted to let y'all know that the story isn't over! This is going to be a trilogy. The next book is called Chosen. 

Thanks for reading!

Taken- A Dream SMP FanficWhere stories live. Discover now