Chapter Five- The Hive

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***Time skip to a few weeks later*** (Sorry I had no idea what else to do in between these scenes and wanted to write more)

"Come on, Y/N!" Tommy called as he ran into the forest. "I wanna show you something!" You smiled and chased after him, the two of you coming to a stop in front of a chest. A beehive was inside it. "I worked so hard to find this for Tubbo and I'm gonna make it into a scavenger hunt!" he announced. "What do you think?" 

"I like it! Where'd you get a beehive, though?" you replied, curious. "I traveled the land, far and wide, to find one." Tommy answered dramatically. "It was by a village about 580 blocks north of here." You arched your eyebrows, surprised. "You did go a long way," you commented. "Yeah, it was so fun though!" Tommy said brightly. "Can you help me with the scavenger hunt?" You nodded. "I'd be glad to help, although I might not be very good at it." Tommy waved a hand. "You're great at rhyming," he said. "How would you know that?" you asked, amused. "You've never heard me rhyme before." 

Tommy grinned. "I've watched a few of your videos with Technoblade," he admitted. "My favorite is that one where you guys teamed up in Skywars. You spent half the stream rhyming at each other. You totally roasted him, by the way. You should do rap battles more often."

"Maybe," you conceded. "But yes, I'll help you." Tommy grabbed your hand and tugged you toward the house. "Come on then, we need to get working on it! I wanna give it to him tomorrow!" You pulled your hand away and patted his head. 

"Hey, stop treating me like a child!" he protested, ducking out of the way. "But you are a child," you said lightly. "Just because you're older like all the rest of them doesn't mean you're better," Tommy argued. "If you say so, child," you responded, hiding a smile. Tommy huffed and crossed his arms, which really made him look even more like a pouty 6-year-old, but you restrained yourself from saying so.

You followed Tommy into the house, where Tubbo and Ranboo sat on a couch, reading. Ranboo was sitting upright and Tubbo was next to him, resting his head on Ranboo's shoulder. It was kind of adorable. You waved to Wilbur, who had looked up when the two of you walked in. He smiled in return and went back to his work. Tommy ran to Tubbo and stole his book. Ranboo reached over his shoulder and snatched it back, handing it gently to Tubbo. Tommy scowled and swiped for Ranboo's book, but the tall half-enderman held it above his head. Tommy climbed up the arm of the couch and tried to grab it, but Ranboo didn't even have to stand up to keep it out of his reach. 

You smiled at the three and walked down the hall to the room Philza had given you. When you all had reached L'manberg, everyone had quickly rebuilt the houses which had been in use before. Philza had added an extra room to his home and offered it to you, since you hadn't built a house on the server yet. It was down the hall from the living room and across from the hall that led to the boys' rooms. 

You stopped in the doorway. The room wasn't large, but it was a good place, and very comfortable. A desk sat in the left corner farthest from you, the chair slightly moved back from the last time you'd used it. Your bed was in the other corner across the room. In the left corner closest to you, there was a beanbag with a bookshelf beside it. In the last corner, there was just a rug and shelves for all your things. 

You sat down at the desk and pulled a piece of notebook paper out of the drawer, along with a pencil. "Tommy!" you called. A moment later, he burst through the door and leaped onto your bed, faceplanting in the soft blue pillows. He rolled over and stared at the ceiling. "Yeah?"

You hid a smile. You had never known Tommy to be a boring person, and his entrances were never what one would expect. "Do you want to work on the clues now, while I'm not busy?" you asked. "Oh, yeah, sure," Tommy replied, rolling off of your bed and joining you at your desk. "Where do we start?"

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