Chapter Twenty Four- Preparing for Adventure

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It was the first question Technoblade asked you when you requested his help.

"Why what?" you questioned back, confused.

"Why would you ask me to help you?" Techno clarified. 

"That's a dumb question," you said. "Why do you think?"

"Well, yes, I'm pretty amazing, and the tiny bonus of only one person can actually beat me in a fight helps, but still," he said. "You logically can't trust me at this point. I feel like you're just forgetting how horrible I've been for the past however-long-it's-been. Which is nice, but I don't deserve that. It's just common sense."

"Don't try to ruin my awesomeness with your logic," you said. "It's not going to happen."

He laughed. "I've missed your attitude," he admitted. 

"I've missed your sarcasm," you told him. "So will you help us?"

He considered it for a moment. "What do I have to lose?"

"Literally the whole serverworld," you informed him. "So no pressure there."

He grinned at you. "Challenge accepted."


The first thing Technoblade did when you brought him to the planning table was tell you all your weapons weren't going to kill the Piglin King.

"What do you mean, they won't kill it?" Dream asked. "Is it invincible or something?"

"I never said that," Techno retorted. "I just said what we have won't kill it. Don't worry, your weapons will still hurt the thing."

"How does that even work?" Tommy asked. 

"Oh, I have no idea," Techno shrugged. "All I know is that we need a special enchantment to kill it. It's on a sword already, but the sword is hidden deep under the ground." He turned to Dream. "You've probably been there." He slid a map across the table and pointed to a spot near the middle.

"Oh yeah, I've been there once," Dream said. "Just the first fourteen levels, though."

"Eh," Techno looked unimpressed. "I've been to level fifty-seven, sooo..."

"So you know your way around?" you said.

"Around levels one through fifty-seven, yes," Techno answered. "But the sword is on level one hundred fifty, so I can only help for the first part of the trip."

"I'll try to keep the worst mobs out of our way," Wilbur offered. 

"I'll tell the endermen to stay away from wherever we are for a while," Ranboo added.

"I can take care of any traps there might be," Skeppy put in grudgingly. When Technoblade agreed to help, he'd followed suit, although he wasn't near as excited about the prospect.

"How do we know you won't betray us again?" Tommy protested, glaring at the diamond-clad warrior.

"Oh don't worry, I'll make sure he behaves," Wilbur assured him with a glint in his amber brown eyes.

Skeppy looked somewhat unnerved, but made no objections. 

"I can give all of you armor and golden apples," Technoblade said. 

"We should make potions to take with us," Philza suggested. "I doubt a compass would be much use, but we might as well bring one."

"Good idea," you said. "We also need food, weapons, and supplies."

"That's a lot to get done in a short amount of time," Tommy pointed out.

'We can do it," Tubbo said confidently. "We'll need to split up though."

"Alright, who wants to do what?" you asked.

"The boys and I will handle potion-making," Phil said.

"Okay," you agreed. "Be sure to make some of everything if you can. We never know what we'll need."

"Yes boss," he said, grinning. He grabbed his youngest boys and flew out of the room.

"The three of us can go mining," George said, gesturing to Dream and Sapnap. "We'll get extra iron and diamonds if we can find them."

"Sure, that would be helpful," you said. Dream gave you an amused look and left.

"Alright, since we're apparently getting in teams of three, Ranboo, Bad, and I will go hunt," Technoblade decided. Ranboo put a hand on each of them and the trio vanished in a cloud of End particles.

Wilbur grinned at you. "That leaves us three," he said. "I guess we're on babysitting duty." 

Skeppy gave him an irritated glance. "I might not want to help you, but I am, so the least you could do is show me a little respect."

"Earn it," Wilbur said with a shrug. "Don't forget you were part of the team that tried to kill all of us."

"Just Y/N, actually," Skeppy corrected. 

Wilbur gave him a sharp look. "That doesn't make it any better," he said.

Skeppy stood. "What will?" he demanded. "No matter what I do you all hate me!"

You looked him in the eye. "You've done some bad things," you said. "That may change how others view you, but it doesn't change who you are. Despite being the target of your whole team, I understand your point of view. I get it. I can feel what you're feeling. And it's true that most people here still don't like you, and that will take time to heal. But whatever happens next, I can tell that you're not the kind of person they think you are. And I want you to know that I forgive you."

Skeppy stared at you for a moment. "Thank you," he said quietly, looking away. "That means a lot."

You smiled. "Now let's go save the world."

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