Chapter Twenty Three- A Dance of Death

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Dream lowered his smoking shield and drew his sword, readjusting his stance. Technoblade stood still for a moment, shocked. "How?" he managed after a moment.

"How'd I find you?" Dream asked. "Y/N sent a distress firework. Surely you noticed it." His mask hid a smirk, but his voice was black ice. You cautiously reached out, feeling for his emotions. You were almost knocked back by the waves of cold fury cascading off of him and you quickly pulled your senses back in. You realized you'd felt something else. You reached back out and brushed the edges of his emotions, trying to find it again. A moment later, you had it. It took you a moment to identify, likely because it was something you'd only felt from him once before.


He wasn't angry because you'd gotten captured, like he was when Tubbo got taken. He wasn't angry because Technoblade had defied him, like he was during this whole war. He was angry because Technoblade had threatened and nearly killed you. You couldn't process why he cared this much. Maybe...

Not the time, you reminded yourself.

Technoblade and Dream were locked in battle, swords flashing as they spun and dipped in a graceful sort of dance. A deadly dance. Skeppy ran out to help Techno and a red and white shape intercepted.

Tommy had clearly been training, as his skill nearly rivaled Skeppy's. You watched the fight with bated breath, hoping against hope that the younger boy would come out on top.

A tap on your shoulder from behind startled you so much you would've shot 5 feet in the air if you could move.

"Hey, Y/N, hold still."

"Phil?" you whispered, craning to look behind you.

"I said hold still," he reminded you. "I'm trying to get you out, but I can't if you keep moving."

You stayed still as he pulled out a diamond sword and cut through the ropes that bound you to the tree.

"Why would you help me?" you asked. "I thought you were on Techno's side."

"I was," he agreed. "But I don't want you dead. You're almost like a daughter to me, you know that, right?"

You smiled, touched. He put one hand on your shoulder and squeezed gently. "Stay safe."

Then he was gone, in a flash of silver wings. 

You pulled out your enchanted diamond sword and charged Skeppy, distracting him long enough for Tommy to hit his arm. Skeppy swung at Tommy and you swept one foot into his diamond-clad legs. He hit the floor with a thump and his sword went tumbling across the forest floor. Tommy put his sword at Skeppy's throat. 

"I got him, you go get Tubbo," he said with a grin. 

"No need," a voice said. Tubbo ran up to you. "Apparently Dadza's awesome again."

"Dadza's always awesome," Tommy countered.

"True," Tubbo agreed. "Anyway, he cut me loose and left. And look, Dream's winning!"

You turned to see that he was right. The green-coated warrior seemed to have the upper hand. Technoblade was skilled, but Dream was driven by his rage and his desire to protect the people he'd lived with for the past few months.

Suddenly, Tommy yelled in pain. Skeppy had managed to reach his sword and he'd hit Tommy's leg pretty hard. 

"You need to go," you said. "Get somewhere safer and bandage that. I'll take care of him."

"Will you?" Skeppy smirked, lunging up and slashing Tommy's other leg. Tommy limped a few steps, then fell, unable to walk. Tubbo ran to him and started wrapping the wounds with cloth bandages. 

"That's one taken care of," Skeppy huffed, getting to his feet. Abruptly, he pivoted and leaped at you. You swung your sword, but he slid under it and spun behind you. You felt the warm touch of netherite against your neck as he gripped your shoulder. You were trapped. 

"Now we're sure to win, regardless of whether Techno does or not," Skeppy said triumphantly. "Dream's not gonna leave here without you, you know. All it's gonna take is a few simple death threats and we'll have what we want. Game over. And don't even think about trying to attack from behind," he added to Tubbo, who had been trying to do just that. "You wouldn't want Y/N to get hurt, would you?" Tubbo stopped and gave you a helpless look. Skeppy snorted. "This is too easy."

Suddenly, he staggered back. You whipped around, drawing your sword. Skeppy looked at you for a moment, then his head jerked toward something in the forest. He was still for a moment, then he slowly sank to the ground. "Why... no... leave me alone... get away from me," he growled.

Tubbo gave you a bewildered look. "What's up with him?"

Something was achingly familiar, just on the edge of your mind, but you couldn't quite grasp it. "I don't know," you answered.

The clash of netherite drew your attention back to the fight. Both Dream and Technoblade had managed to get a few hits on the other. Dream was bleeding from a wound on his arm and Technoblade had a thin but deep cut on his shoulder. Suddenly, Dream locked his sword with Techno's and twisted, flinging his opponent's arm back. With lightning speed, he slashed his blade across Technoblade's torso. 

Everything went still. 

Technoblade collapsed onto his knees, blood pouring from a deep gash that ran from his left shoulder to his right hip. Dream stayed where he was, breathing heavily. You met Techno's gaze and he didn't look mad. He just looked sorry, and maybe a little sad. Dream was regretful, like he hadn't really wanted to fight the pigman in the first place. Everyone else was just watching. Waiting.

You realized that even if Techno had tried to kill you, you couldn't let him die. You ran up to him, taking his good arm and helping him lie down on his back. You turned and looked up at Dream. 

"Save him."

Dream sighed, but didn't argue. "Tubbo, bring me the book on my lecturn," he commanded without turning around. "Now."

Tubbo ran off. Dream took out a bucket of lava and dug a hole in the ground. He poured the lava into the hole and tossed the bucket to the side. Tubbo returned with the book and retreated to the sidelines. 

Dream wrote something in the book and crouched down next to Technoblade. He put one hand on Techno's chest and threw the book in the lava. A burst of flame shot out of the lava and formed the shape of DreamXD. 

"What did you summon me for?" the entity asked. "You know I can't revive anyone here."

"I didn't call you here for that," Dream said, sounding irritated. "He's clearly not dead yet."

"Well, what do you want?" DreamXD asked again.

"Heal him," Dream ordered. 

DreamXD snapped. "Done." He vanished in a flare of white light.

Technoblade groaned and sat up. "What... did I just see what I think I just saw?" he murmured.

"Did you see DreamXD appear out of a lava pit?" Tommy asked.

"Yeah..." Techno said skeptically.

"Then yes," Tommy concluded. "Yes you did."

"Delightful," Techno grumbled. He looked at you and his expression softened. He smiled. "Thanks."

"Anytime," you answered. "I mean, we are friends, after all."

"Still?" Technoblade asked doubtfully. "After everything I did?"

"Yes, even after you tried to kill me," you clarified. "At least, if you still want to be."

He gave you a solemn look. "I do have one very important question, though," he said, standing slowly. 

"What?" you asked. He looked serious, but you had no idea why.

He grinned. "Got a bell?"

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