Chapter Twenty Two- Taken

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You were walking through the sun-soaked forest surrounding the base. No one was with you. No one even knew where you were. Your only companions were the birds and the gentle rustling of the wind through the trees. 

You felt a sharp pain in your leg and looked down to see a sweetberry bush near your feet. One of its thorns had poked through your pants and drawn blood. You brushed the branch aside and kept walking. 

You'd needed some time to yourself after the fight you'd witnessed yesterday. You and Tommy had gone back to the base together, but it wasn't the same. You'd barely talked at all. When the sun rose, you'd realized you needed to get out of there. All you'd told Tommy was that you were leaving and would be back eventually.

The birdsong stopped abruptly, alerting you to another presence nearby. A raven cawed an alarm that was dangerously close. You scanned the nearby terrain but saw nothing. Just to be safe, you leaped up and grabbed the tree branch above you, pulling yourself up and reaching for the next branch. When you were about halfway up the tree, you paused and looked back at the ground.

You had been right to worry. Three figures inspected the area, staying in the shadows. Menace radiated from two of them. The third was slightly worried but determined. You couldn't tell who they were, but you sure didn't want to go anywhere near them. As they got closer to your hiding place, you realized you had to get higher if you wanted to stay out of sight. Trying your best to be quiet, you moved up the tree until you were almost to the sky. 

"Are you sure she's even here?"

You froze as one of the figures spoke.

"Yes, I know I saw her go this way."

The second voice was as terrifyingly familiar as the first.

"Then keep looking," Technoblade ordered gruffly. "Skeppy, circle back and make sure we're not being followed."

"Fine," Skeppy grumbled. "Phil, you coming?"

"Not if I don't have to," was Philza's amused response.

"He doesn't," Technoblade said boredly. "Come on, I'd like to be done with this before noon."

They continued searching the trees, getting closer and closer to where you waited nervously. Their methods were thorough enough that they'd find you when they got to your tree. There was only one thing left to do. 

You reached into your pocket and pulled out a lime green firework. If you set this off, help might come, but it would give away your location. You didn't really have a choice. 

Throwing caution to the wind, you scrambled to the very top of the tree and ignited the firework. It rocketed into the clouds and painted the sky with lime green fire.

"There she is! Phil, get us an exact location!" Technoblade yelled. 

Philza spread his silver wings and leaped into the sky. His sharp eyes locked onto you and he swooped down towards your tree. You spotted another tree nearby and jumped off your branch, landing easily on the next one. You had practiced doing this before, just for quick travel, but never thought you'd actually need it. You were extremely glad you'd taken the time and effort to learn. 

You shot through the treetops, narrowly dodging the arrows that Technoblade and Skeppy fired at you. All was going well... until you saw the clearing. The gap was too wide for you to jump and if you slowed down enough to go around, you'd get caught. You searched your inventory as you ran, relieved to find a leaping potion. You quickly gulped it down, ignoring the icy chill the potion left in the back of your throat. You felt energy gather in your legs. The clearing was just ahead. 

Taken- A Dream SMP FanficWhere stories live. Discover now