Chapter Sixteen- Allies

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"Aaaaand checkmate," Dream said triumphantly, moving one of his pawns in front of your king. "Again."

You gave him a nod of acceptance and stood up. "Good job," you said. "You're definitely better at chess, if nothing else."

"You really had me on the edge of my seat, though," Dream admitted. "You're really good at this."

You smiled and headed back into the main room with Dream right behind you. 

"Who won, who won?" Tommy asked the second you entered. 

"Me," Dream answered, dropping onto a couch. "Y/N gave me a run for my money, though."

"Yeah, I'm still the ender pearl champion," you reminded him.

"I said I wasn't going to lose a third time," Dream said. "I was serious."

"I'm sure you were," you answered. "Just let me find something else I'm better than you at."

Dream smirked. "Good luck."

"Anyway," you started, collapsing onto the couch as well, "my plan still has its merits. We need as many allies as we can get."

"True," Dream agreed. "Who all did you have in mind?"

You thought for a moment. "I hadn't thought that far into it. We should make a list of who all is here and go from there." Dream nodded. "Sounds fine to me."

He produced a book and quill from seemingly nowhere and handed them to you. You twirled the quill between your fingers as you thought. "Okay, who all came into the serverworld with us?" you wondered aloud.

"Let's start with us," Dream suggested. "You two, go play, the adults are discussing something important." He waved a hand at Tommy and Tubbo. Tommy opened his mouth angrily, but Tubbo put a hand on his shoulder, murmuring something softly. Tommy subsided and followed his brother out of the room. 

"Alright, so let's make categories," Dream suggested, scooting closer to look over your shoulder. "How about Allies, Enemies, and Neutral?" 

You nodded and drew a three-column graph on the first page of the book. You labeled the columns as Dream had suggested and wrote Dream, Y/N, Tommy, Tubbo, George, and Sapnap in the Allies column. You thought for a moment, then wrote Technoblade, Philza, and Skeppy in the Enemies column. 

"So, who else?" Dream mused. "Wilbur. Ranboo. Hmm. Oh, and Bad." 

You added the three names to the Neutral column. "So we need to talk to them, but who goes to who?"

"I'll talk to Ranboo," Dream volunteered immediately, a mischievous grin forming under his mask. You gave him an amused glance, but drew a line from Dream's name to Ranboo's. 

"I'll handle Wilbur," you said. "I've been wanting to talk to him again anyway." Dream eyed you curiously but didn't object as your quill traced a line from your name to Wilbur's. 

"That leaves Bad," you said. "I don't really think he's going to help us, though. He was pretty firmly neutral from the start and if he takes a side, he's likely going to side with his best friend."

"You seriously underestimate how persuasive I can be," Dream commented. 

"Your form of persuasion usually involves threatening," you pointed out. 

Dream waved this away. "Not threatening. Getting things done quickly and effectively."

"What did you say the last time I said that?" you reminded him.

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