Chapter 1: A new gem

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It was a lovely day in beach city Steven just woke up from his slumber it's been 2 years since his corruption and within those 2 years he learned many things that made him a better person today

He travelled the some parts of earth then decided to go back to his home city

Steven got up and went down his room the three gems greeted him with a very lovely mood

Good morning Steven I made you and amethyst some pancakes said pearl putting the food on the table

Thank you pearl it's been a while since I had pancakes said Steven he took the syrup out of the fridge then went to sat down on the chair the three gems joined him then he and amethyst started eating within breakfast he enjoyed every single bite until he finished he got up and washed the dishes after that he went and grabbed his phone

Guys is it ok if we all have a free time today? Ask Steven because we've been really stress and I figured maybe we could bonding if it's ok with you guys? Steven asked the gems there immediate response was yes

Of course Steven after all some of the gems are making me crazy said amethyst

Alright Steven but what are we gonna do? Asked pearl

I was wondering if we could go to the old places we use to visit when I was still little you know the times I came with you on the mission days said Steven

Alright then it's settled today is bonding day with our favorite boy Steven said garnet

Nice! wait here I'll grab my keys he said he went upstairs and grabbed his keys then went out where all the gems were waiting for him

Alright guys let's get this day started! Said Steven in a very happy way

They left the beach house and went on a little tour to all the places they have been through within the trip they all remembered the memories they shared and how the time has passed

After that they went to go and grab something to eat mostly Steven and amethyst then they started to have real life conversation

I bet rose or pink will be very proud of what you accomplished said pearl

I bet she will said amethyst while eating the burger

I wonder what would life be if I was never born he asked the three then garnet replied

Chaos then she looked at the sky

Huh that's a very weird thing but I guess your right said Steven while drinking his coffee

The three were walking back to the beach house when they were greeted by the trio

Did you enjoy your day out? Ask bismuth

Certainly Steven and amethyst ate most of the time said pearl gigling a little

Hey your mean said amethyst while eating another food

So Steven are you happy now? Are you relaxed? Ask lapis

Yes I am he replied that free time was the best for me after going through my work He replied smiling and looking at the sky remembering what happened throughout the years

Everyone looked at each other and looked back at Steven

Don't worry Steven we promise that you will never be back to that form ever again said peridot Oh and look at what I built peridot says while giving him her new invention

Huh that's pretty smart of you he replied admiring the work of hers

Thank you I have many more robots planned but I'm still lacking parts but don't worry I know where to get one says confidently

He giggled until the sky went completely black for some reason

Was there a lunar eclipse? Asked Steven very confused

I guess so said pearl also looking confused until someone yelled what is that thing while pointing

They all look at the sky and many black and white ships were flying until a giant ship also entered

Everyone was panicking so the crystal gems needed to do something they all parted there ways helping every gem and civilian to evacuate until the ship landed on the ocean the crystal gems were ready

As soon as the giant ship landed a giant figure as tall as white diamond got out of the ship with a little gem as the same height as pearl but this gem wasn't a she it was a he all there color was pure black and grey with a little white the gem had a dimaond on the forehead while the little one was also in the forehead

The crystal gems hidded so that they wouldn't be spotted until the giant figure spoke

Coral did the Amber's do there report about this new colony? Asked the gem

Yes black diamond they already sended the files and information about Planet sector E942.H replied coral while she looks at the holographic files

Coral ? Whispered amethyst I never knew there was a Coral gem

Neither did I said lapis lazuli looking at peridot

Same as me said peridot while scratching her hair

And black diamond it was never mentioned said garnet they all looked at pearl while she looked at the diamond with horror

Pearl are you ok? Ask Steven Looking very worried while pearl remained the same and whispered it can't be...

What do you mean? Ask everyone until the diamond spoke again

Very well investigate more on the planet I'll decide it it becomes a colony or will be destroyed come along coral said black

Yes black diamond then they all went back to the ship the entire fleet of army left

The crystal gems left there hiding spot everyone was shocked and mostly Steven he didn't know what to say but he needed to find out who this new gem was

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