Chapter 13: Home

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It's been a couple of hours but in earth it's been months since they traveled blue was sleeping along with the two small gems

White was doing her work while yellow was still piloting

The ship was silent until yellow spoke

Are you nervous?she asked looking at white

White looked back and sigh in defeat

Yes she responded it's been a long time since I'm home I don't know if my creations would still accept me

What are we even doing there? She asked

We're going there for negotiation she replied

Negotiation? Or confrontation?

I guess...both she responded

I never imagine you going onto this state back then everyone including me feared you and now your fearing for something that you've been avoiding for Millenia

I guess time flies by

After a few minutes the ship had an alarm which woke up the three

What's happening? Ask Steven

Is there a problem with the ship? Asked spinel

No but we entered Homeworlds galaxy said yellow

Oh stars said blue while white just looked at the blank space

Steven and spinel jumped onto whites throne she noticed them so she took them on her hands

Are you nervous? Ask Steven

She looked at him and gave a weak smile

A little she responded

Don't worry white me Steven yellow and blue are here for you I'm sure you can handle black after all you two are made for each other she joked

White didn't wanna argue so she just stayed quiet

After a few minutes they saw a planet sorrounded by 2 rings and many moons orbiting but unlike Homeworld the planet wasn't cracked

Home white whispered onto herself

Woah this planet is amazing said Steven

I know right how long do you think we'll be able to go around the planet asked spinel

Spinel that planet is very big than homeworld I think with all the underground cites it will take you Millenia she stated

Where should we land? Ask yellow

Give me the control let's land on my chambers she responded yellow nodded and passed the controls onto her control

The ship started going onto a abandoned place a very white place but there was no gem near by the place was also near a black chamber

Is that blacks chambers? Ask spinel

Yes starlight she responded she landed the ship and gems started surrounding the giant ship

Steven noticed all the gems were male and there colors were dark instead of light

Are gems ment to be mostly male and in a darker shade?

Before I left gems were balanced some were light and some were dark I guess black did something throughout the years I was gone she stated everyone let's go Steven ready your head bubble

He nodded then summoned a bubble onto his head for air

They all stepped onto the middle and white created a bubble so that they would be transported outside

Every gem was ready for battle until the white bubble disappeared everyone widened there eyes it was the long lost diamond the queen herself and few of her acquaintances it was there first time seeing very light colored gems then they all saluted

Hello everyone I'm back said white diamond

Welcome back my diamond said every gem

Meanwhile the three diamonds were having a meeting until someone burst open the door black was very mad and was about to shatter the gem until the gem spoke

My diamond The queen she's here he stated

Everyone looked at each other black pulled out a screen to view the outside and they saw a giant ship parked on whites chambers along with her and 4 other gems the two diamond widened there eyes

It really is her said red

She's real....she's here said brown

Black just smirked but deep inside he was very happy it's been a Millenia since she came home and now that she's here he won't miss his chance

Everyone follow me said black the two nodded there corals followed then a black bubble surrounded them and transported them outside

Meanwhile white stood there frozen she didn't know what to do until spinel whispered to her

Come on white you can do this those words calmed her nerves

Then they saw a black bubble heading towards them this is it said Steven

The gems headed to there position and the black bubble stopped infront of them revealing Black red and brown diamond they all widened there eyes when they saw new diamonds both sides were shock

I never knew you would follow me moonlight said black

He took her hand and kissed it which she took away quickly

A pleasure to meet you our queen said the two diamonds

Before anyone could speak black diamond spoke

Red Brown show our guests around the planet I'll take care of our lovely queen

Of course said red

If I may? He asked lending out his hand

Steven whispered to yellow

What if it's a trap?

We just have to know it's now or never yellow whispered

Of course said white he took his hand and he smiled they went onto the side and a black bubble trapped the two and left the area

Gems go back to your quarters said brown

They all have there salutes and left

It's a pleasure meeting you said red

Yellow diamond this is blue diamond and he is Steven while she's spinel

What a lovely creation said brown

Follow us we'll give you a tour around

Steven didn't know what to do so he just held spinel she looked at him and gave him a securance smile

It was the start of a new era

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