Chapter 7: Reunited

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Back in the throne room everyone was freaking out but the diamonds calmed them down and sended them to different rooms leaving the 5 which are white yellow blue Steven and spinel

The stone was still glowing they didn't know what to do neither did white since it was the first time this happened

Spinel I think you should leave this place suggested Steven

But I'm not scared spinel added with a confident

Spinel just listen to Steven this is for your own safety said blue diamond

No I'm not gonna leave you guys! Spinel yelled to them I don't wanna be alone again she replied in a almost tears and low voice

Steven noticed then hugged her you'll never be alone again spinel blushed then hugged back

White was looking at the stone and Steven noticed something

White ....your eyes THERE BLACK! he yelled they all look to her she had pure black eyes

White are you ok?! Spinel asked worryingly

Then they herd someone coming in a figure came in as tall as white with a glowing white eyes and a white stone that was glowing too he was pure black and on the side there was another gem or more likely a Coral

That's him! Said Steven in a scared way while pointing the diamond

What is this place? Ask black diamond he noticed there were giant gems mostly diamonds a small gem and a half organic half gem then someone caught his eyes

White look at him and he did the same the stones stopped glowing and there eyes went to normal

Black spoke First moonlight... Then white spoke next Eclipse ...

Everyone dropped there jaw there was a male gem besides Steven and there was another diamond

Before black could make a step forward white created a barrier separating them far away from each other

Your not real...white murmured the three diamonds and spinel look at her while black just laughed

You never changed my dear moonlight said black using his powers he broke the barrier and went to white touching her cheeks which she slapped away your still the same as the day I lost you

You have no right to call me by that nickname! She yelled angrily

Why? Is it wrong? He asked sarcastically

Get out of my planet! She yelled with anger

So that's why this planet has gems you created it in memory of your real home our real home

Real home? Asked Steven then black look at him

Yes Steven universe son of pink diamond white never lived in this planet in the first place he added

How did you know my name? Steven asked then black diamond just laughed

Just like white I know everything too after all we were made together and for each other

They all look at each other before white could spoke again

How dare you show your face in my own planet after abandoning me for billions of years?! She yelled angrily

Abandoned? ha! He laughed I never abandoned you moonlight he smirked

What is he talking about asked blue

Get out white whispered full of anger

After looking for you for 500 billion years  and never giving up on you this is how you repay me?! He yelled his aura spreaded throughout the room all the gems except white felt there body became weak and there powers disappeared then they all fell to the ground Even Steven

You never gave up on me? That's a funny word she added

For billions of years I've been grieving and trying to find you now that I found you I'll never let you go ever again said black in a angry voice then he grabbed her arm

White was full of anger so she released her aura throughout the room which made black back down and the gems returned there strength along with the 2 diamonds

Just you wait it's time to bring you home my dear moonlight after all Homeworld does need there queen back  he added then left coral gave a salute to white then also left

They saw his whole fleet leave the planet after that everyone look at white

White what was that?! Yellow asked

They noticed her still angry bit she was also in the brink of crying, tears were starting to form on her eyes Everyone looked concerned then Steven spoke

White what is going on?! He asked angrily but she didn't reply she fell on her knees and she started crying

Everyone was shocked white was crying they were all silent until she spoke

I'm not suppose to be like this... He doesn't need me and I don't need him ..I can rule without him

They all look at each other concerned then Steven requested yellow

Yellow make me and spinel as big as you

Yellow look at him and nodded. She used her powers to make the 2 big then they both came to white and hugged her the two looked at each other and joined the three

Meanwhile in black diamonds ship

My diamond now that you found the queen what will be your next quest? Asked coral

I won't stop until she's back home ...I will do anything even shatter or kill who ever comes in my way he added and I know for a fact that the human hybrid can help me with my plan

The Steven universe? Asked coral

Yes I know he's full of kindness and easy to manipulate he'll be my first target

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