Chapter 4: Moving in

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Steven and pearl warped back to the beach house after that Steven immediately ran to his room he grabbed his hotdog backpack then started packing all the things he needed like clothes charger notes while pearl was preparing all his food and water

After he was done he went down and grabbed all the food that pearl prepared

Steven are you sure you can do this? Ask pearl in a concerned voice

Pearl I'm not a kid anymore of course I can do this said Steven confidently

Alright then are you gonna say your goodbyes to the other gems? Ask pearl

Well I'm only going to be staying in homeworld temporarily so I guess it's still a good idea before they get worried he added

Alright then I'll get them all you just wait here pearl replied then ran off Steven sat down on the couch and look at his phone he took pictures of the house even though he won't be gone that long he was gonna miss his home

After 5 minutes of waiting everyone went inside Steven look at them and they all look back

He got up and hugged every single one of them

I'm gonna miss you guys said Steven in a sad voice

Me too well everyone will said amethyst just promise us that if someone hurts you tell us immediately because we will crush that thing

Yeah said everyone

Woah no one's gonna hurt me i promise and I know for a fact if someone does the whole Homeworld will look for them said Steven laughing

Right just be careful over there said lapis

You got this Steven said garnet

Steven smiled and gave everyone a group hug for the last time after that he went to the warp pad everyone waved at him and he waved back after that he teleported away

Steven arrived in Homeworld and again was greeted by spinel she hugged her tightly full of excitement

Steven your back already! Said spinel still hugging him tightly

Yes spinel I am he said laughing too spinel let out her grip then he hugged her back

Are you ready to play? She asked also why did you visit again? She asked curiously

Well I'll be living here temporarily he replied back scratching his head

Spinels eyes grown wide and started celebrating

That's amazing! She yelled dancing happily but where are you gonna stay? She asked

Well I'm gonna be staying in mom's old room  he replied diamonds room..she replied shock

Why is there a problem? He asked

Well I live in her room now since you decided to stay on earth but don't worry I'll just stay in the other rooms she added

No it's ok we can share he replied

Really?! She asked happily thank you Steven! She replied yelling do you wanna play now? She asked

Well ...I'll just get a quick chat with the diamonds and put my stuff on the room but sure he added

Alright then! She hugged Steven and kissed him on the cheek which made him blush while spinel had no idea what she just did

I'll meet you outside I'll prepare the games she added then left skipping happily Steven stood there still blushing until a gem asked if he was ok

My diamond are you ok? The amethyst asked concerned

Oh yeah he replied getting out of his thoughts after that he left the warp pad and started walking to the throne room of the diamonds he noticed blue and yellow talking but white was no where to be found

Hey blue hey yellow! He greeted the two diamonds look at him and smiled blue went to him and lifted him on her hands

Hello Steven did you get your things? Asked blue

Yeah I'll be staying in my or mom's room temporarily spinel agreed to share the room so yeah I just hope everything goes according to what I expected Steven added

Oh well im sure everything will go perfectly well yellow responded

Yeah he replied the two noticed him very down they look at each other and back at Steven

Steven is there anything you wanna tell us? Blue asked

Yes you look very blue not the color but the emotion said yellow

Well....I wanted to ask he added

What is it? Blue asked concerned

Does spinel always kiss you ? He asked shyly

Kiss? The two asked then Steven just look away embarrassed

Oh no nevermind I'm going to my room he added he hopped out of blues hand then went straight to pinks chambers

He got in the room and fixed all his belongings after that he left the room and  went outside where spinel was waiting for him

There you are! She added suprisingly

Yeah I'm here Steven said

What took you so long I thought you left she replied jokingly

I would never leave you behind spinel he added

Well are you ready? She asked I've prepared everything! She yelled

Yeah where are we playing? He asked

I'll lead you to the garden she added Steven and spinel play day! She yelled she grabbed Stevens hand and they both started running

It's been a while since Steven played something seeing spinel smile makes him smile memories of him being a little boy came flooded his mind but he never cared because for now it's okay time he added

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