Chapter 2: Discussions and Farewell

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The crystal gems went inside the house everyone of them they all sat down in the couch while Steven stood up

He took a deep breath and said

Ok what was that?! He said in a Panik and a little scared voice

I have no idea Steven said amethyst that was my first time seeing a black gem

Same here most of the gems in Homeworld are colorful from what I remembered said peridot

As far as I know my memories are as same as peridot said lapis

Wait pearl! said Steven then they all look at pearl and she looked back

Pearl you were very scared out there why were you scared? Ask Steven

Steven it was nothing don't worry about it said pearl in a more paniking and stuttering voice

Everyone didn't believe her they knew when she was lying or not plus her stuttering made it sound very obvious they all look at each other then back at pearl

Pearl we know you know something but your scared to share it to us said garnet

Yeah pearl plus were not gonna harm you amethyst said looking at pearl while pearl stayed quiet then Steven spoke

Pls pearl we need all the information we have we don't know if this gem is dangerous or not pls pearl do it for me he said while giving puppy eyes

Pearl sigh in defeat then finally spoke

Fine I'll tell you everything I know said pearl they all cheered especially Steven they all sat down and she started speaking

Millions of years ago white diamond created me to be her little assistant said pearl

Wait you served white?! Ask Steven in a very shocked voice

Yes Steven I served her until white decided to trade pearls with pink I guess because of the accident with volleyball said pearl

Before the others were made white would often talk about black diamond and even her files contains the world black diamond that's the only thing I know about the gem said pearl

What?! That's it?! Said everyone looking very disappointed

What?! White was very secretive back in the day she doesn't even trust other gems said pearl not until now

So your telling me there is a black diamond said Steven

I guess so replied pearl but that won't be solved until we know the truth it's better if you ask white herself said pearl

Pearls right Steven replied garnet it's the only way to know more information about this gem or diamond

Plus white trust you now I'm sure you'll get all the information you need said amethyst

I guess that's true said Steven

Then that's settled one of you will go with Steven to Homeworld to get the answers we need said bismuth

Bismuths right we can't leave little Homeworld all alone it will be chaos said peridot

Peridot a right said lapis but who will come with him? Ask lapis

They all argued but eventually figured the right person

Pearl said everyone you'll be coming with me said Steven

What why?! She asked very concerned

Don't worry pearl there nice now we just need to go there for answers said Steven with a confident smile

I guess your right....ok let's do this said pearl

Let's go team crystal gems! Said Steven

After there discussion they all went to there respective places others went back to work while Steven sketched on his hologram pad on what he saw today he was deep in his thoughts until a person spoke

Hey Steven what's up? Ask Connie happily

Steven almost shit himself on the inside but he remained calm on the outside

Oh Connie I never noticed you said Steven immediately hiding his hologram in a panick

Oh sorry about that.. I came here to bring you lunch said Connie here it's your favorite she said taking out the food then Steven replied

Oh no I already ate but thank you said Steven me and the gems went out for a bonding that's why I already ate mostly me and amethyst

Oh ok then said Connie putting away the food So what are your plans this afternoon? She asked

Um I'm busy this afternoon why? He asked

Well I was wondering if you wanna go and grab a donut before I leave said Connie

Leave? Ask Steven what do you mean your leaving?

Well my parents are gonna move me to a new city very far away from here for my education said Connie

Why Is the school here very unpleasant? ask Steven

If I'm being honest yes she replied I really wanna be a lawyer someday and schools here keeps shutting down because of you know said Connie

Oh...he replied well wanna grab that donut now? My next work schedule is still 30 minutes from now ask Steven

Sure ! She replied he got his keys then they left they went to big donut and grabbed there favorites until the went back

Thanks Steven that was very fun said Connie

Yeah that is said Steven

I guess this is goodbye now she replied

What?! It's still so early said Steven

Well I still need to pack my stuff im leaving today said Connie

Oh ok then... I have no rights to stop you said Steven then he hugged her

I'm gonna miss you Connie

Me too Steven she replied hugging back after that Connie grabbed her bag and left the beach Steven sat down on the sand and cried Connie was like his only human best friend but I guess she has other things planned for her life

He got up and went back to the house he grabbed a cup of hot coffee then went to his room and continued sketching tomorrow was gonna be a long day

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