Chapter 17: Way back home

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The ship left The Homeworld Red and brown along with there corals looked on the mech window

The ship was getting further and further away from the planet

Everyone was silent they never thought this day would come until brown yelled

Wait! Purples shards! Everyone looked at him

Brown... Said red annoyed

We have to go back! Said brown in a panick

No are you crazy? Asked yellow piloting

This is the first time I agree with someone I don't know but yellows right we can't go back said red

Well then I'll go back said brown looking desperate

Brownie we don't have to because I have his shards he stated and revealed a gem shards on his palm

Everyone looked at red shocked then brown spoked

Thank the stars! But how did you got him?

Well... He stated

Before we left the bubble room I had this weird feeling that something bad will happen today and we all know that my feelings are real

Red let's go said brown

I'll catch up with you I'll just take a breather he stated

Alright then brown stated then left along with the others

Red came to purples mural and grabbed the bubble

This doesn't feel right....your coming with me

He popped the bubble and hidden the shards on his palm all the way and left

That explains everything said blue looking at red he looked at the shards and bubbled them so that they wouldn't be lost

Meanwhile Steven was on the leg part of the ship or his controls

He took off his jacket and lay it on the ground he placed spinels gem on the middle
Then he started crying

He thought about what happened and how he was able to shatter a gem using his bare hands

He thought he was a monster all the memories of his corruption came back

I'm sorry he stated

You were always there for me ....

And I couldn't even protect you one bit

This is all my fault..

I'm so useless he said while hitting his head

He started crying even more the gem was having no signs of reformation

Pls comeback to me he whispered he took his jacket with spinels gem and carefully lifted it and hugged it

He doesn't want anyone for now

He only needs spinel

Meanwhile White was on the other side of her ship he layed black on the ground she didn't know what to do until she noticed his gem has a small crack

Oh stars she stated

She used her powers to fix the small crack that was on hiw gem but even though the gem was fine he was still unconscious

It's been along time eclipse she stated

If I'm being honest I missed you

I don't wanna loose you again...

Pls...don't leave me again

She touched his cheeks and remembered her past memories with him

There you are! what are you doing here? White asked very angrily

Well if fell from up there and i cracked my gem look He stated and showed her the crack that was very visible whites eyes widened

Oh my stars! Here let me heal it she stated

She went closer to him and used her powers to fix his crack

There it's done she stated don't ever do that again!

I won't I promise he replied looking at her thank you my love

I don't believe you let's go back inside She stated

Fine my queen he joked at her

Stop joking around what if you got shattered?! She yelled

Well I think you'll be able to bring me back after all you have the power of creation

But what if I can't?!

Woah there my love! Calm down I'm not gonna be shattered any time soon and I am then that's because I saved you he stated

Stop it! Just imagining you being shattered is very hurtful for me

I'm sorry ...he looked down and hugged her

I promise you I'll always be with you and I'll never be shattered he joked around

This is all my fault before yellow blue or pink were even made ...

I made you a mess

All because of me

I'm a monster like what the other gems says

And your right I'm weak

I'm sorry

She also started crying she was holding him she didn't want any other gem in the room the only thing in her mind was what if he never wakes up

The 4 diamonds were in the control center yellow was piloting blue was looking at the window while red was comforting brown

Blue noticed so she asked

Are you ok brown? Blue looked at the diamond worryingly he didn't responded but white responded for him

He's fine because he's with me he stated glaring at blue which she found very intimidating so she sat back

She was just being nice said yellow

I don't trust gems that I haven't met personally red stated

Just let them be blue yellow stated when she saw her very upset she put the ship on auto pilot and went to her to comfort her

Let them be ...there pathetic space rocks she whispered to her

She giggled and whispered back

Your too funny she smiled which yellow returned after that she returned to the control panels

Red looked at brown and he stated

Everything will be ok I promise

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