Chapter 19: Diamond talk

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The diamond mech ship arrived on homeworld white noticed this she didn't want other gems seeing black

Some were still afraid of him so the only thing she had in my to escape the ship was a bubble

She created a bubble that transported him and her to her chambers

Upon her arrival she locked her perspective room and that's when he started waking up

Where am I? Black asked with his vision blurry

She came up close to him and asked

How are you feeling? She looked concerned

Blacks vision cleared then he saw whites face close to him so he jumped in suprised

White?! Where am I?! He asked suprisingly

Relax black your in my chambers or most knownly my room she stated

How did I get here?! He asked I'm a scared voice

Ohh eclipse don't you remember what happened she asked

His eyes widened she called her eclipse but he must focus for now he focused his mind and tried to remember everything

I remembered a structure fell on me he stated

Yes and it cracked you gem she stated

What?! He yelled he touched his gem desperately trying to find the crack then white touched his hand and slowly put it down

Relax I fixed it you don't have to worry about anything she stated

Where's red and brown?! He yelled

There with yellow and blue along with your corals she stated

Does that mean my home is now over run by rebels? He asked his eyes full of anger and sadness

I'm sorry..she stated

He stopped in his tracks he laughed and cried at the same time

Black? She asked she reached out her hand but he yelled

Great! Great! I lost my home! I lost my gems! I lost all the things that I've worked hard for! And now I'm stuck in this planet! With gems that I'm sure are very afraid me! And you he whispered

He hit his head on the wall and cried silently white looked at him with worried expression

I'm such a failure he whispered he closed his eyes and for a moment everything was silent

Until he felt someone hugging him he looked back and noticed white

Everything's going to be ok she stated

He turned to looks at her and hugged her back his eyes full of years

It's been along time since since they both felt warmth from each other this felt perfect for the two

In the mech ship all of them noticed Steven and white heading different directions they figured it's gonna be best for the two

Should we use the bubble or just walk? Asked blue looking at yellow

It's better if we take the bubble after all some of the gems are still afraid said yellow

Blue nodded then created a bubble that fitted all of them

The bubble brought them to yellow diamonds chambers the 2 diamonds looked around along with there corals

Blue stay here while I take control of the other gems said yellow

Right of course she stated

After that she left the room leaving the three diamonds

This room is very bright said red

Red be nice we have nowhere to go stated brown stated they both looked at blue diamond she didn't know what to do or say so brown started the conversation

So this is Homeworld? Asked brown

Yes blue stated after all the gems are aware that we have guests then we'll be happy to give you a tour said Blue happily

Thank you for that said red

Everyone was silent until brown spoke

We're dead said brown

What? Why asked blue

Isn't it obvious? Asked brown we lost our home planet our gems Black is gonna be very disappointed once he wakes up ....wait where's black?! He yelled what did you do to him?? Where did you take him?! Oh my god yes gonna shatter us

Brown was panicking until red got very annoyed

Brown calm down but yes where did you brought black?! He yelled

He's with white he's probably in her chambers she stated are you always this problematic? She asked which triggered red onto realising his powers

Why are you calling brown problematic?! Atleast he's not a crygem like you! Said red  angrily which annoyed blue

Red pls..he stated which he calmed down until the black coral spoke

I'm sorry about that blue diamond red diamond is very over protective of brown diamond since he loves him very much

Love? So you two are together? She asked suprisingly

Well yeah! We've been together for like a Millenia! Red yelled

Does black know? She asked which stopped red

Black outlawed the show of affection back in Homeworld ever since he lost white brown stated

That explains everything said blue are you two planning on telling him? She asked

Are you crazy? He's gonna shatter us! Even if we're not in Homeworld he can still shatter us he stated

Well he's gonna find out sooner or later she stated

Before blue could speak yellow entered the room

Alright I talked to the gems and your all free to-

She noticed the floor that red was standing on was on fire and roots were starting to form under browns boots while blue has a little tear on her eyes

Pls tell me this is a joke she stated I only just left for a couple minutes and I came back to see my room is already on fire and I'm about to witness murder here

It's not like that yellow said blue

She sigh heavily and responded

Let's go we still need to figure out a temporary space for the three of you she stated then left

They all looked at each other and followed

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