Chapter 11: Formation of feelings

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Steven woke up on his room or most likely pink diamonds old room he noticed spinel was hugging him also sleeping he almost scream but kept it onto himself

He looked at her and noticed how pretty she was even in the stage that she took form

He smiled and started waking her up slowly

Spinel wake up he stated spinel slowly opened her eyes and looked at him

How did we get here? He asked the last thing I remembered we were in the garden he stated

Same here did someone transported us here? She asked

Maybe let's ask the others he added she nodded then let go of him he felt sad when she left go her hug made him feel comfortable after what happened yesterday

The two got up and left the room they started walking to the corridors to reach the throne room

Huh there not here said spinel

Let's check there rooms said Steven she nodded then they left again

They weren't in any of there rooms so they decided to ask the pearls

Hey pearls! Have you seen any of the diamonds? Asked Steven

Well for all I remembered my diamond and blue diamond were together while white left Homeworld to visit one of her colonies replied yellow pearl

Oh do you have any chance to know where they are? Spinel asked

The last thing I saw was them heading to the cloud room of my diamond said blue pearl

Did we check that room? He asked

Not that I remember

Right.. thanks pearls! Come on spinel he stated

They left the pearl and started running on the corridors they entered blue Diamonds chambers and found the cloud room or relaxation room as what spinel calls it

They entered and found 2 diamonds sleeping on a cloud peacefully

There they are! Said spinel

I never knew diamonds sleep I can't miss this moment! He took out his phone and took a picture of the two

Let's wake them up? Ask spinel

Um sure I mean it can't possibly hurt right?


They started jumping on the clouds until they reach the top Steven whispered something to spinel and she nodded

Wake up sleepy heads! They yelled which startled the two causing both of them to fell on the very bottom

The two looked in horror so they went to check on them

Are you ok? Asked yellow

Yeah that's was one of starting way to wake up she added

Omg yellow blue were sorry! The two yelled

So your the two who almost scared us to death said blue

Yeah we're sorry said spinel

It's no problem at all she said taking spinel which kinda make Steven angry

So what are you two doing here? Yellow asked

Well we were trying to know who transported us from spinels old garden to pink diamonds room said Steven

Oh that's will be us replied yellow

Yes when we couldn't find you anywhere on earth we searched every other planet that had a warp pad until we found you two sleeping on the ground as what you call it said blue

Oh that makes sense well do you know which colony white went? Asked spinel

White left? Asked the two

Yeah the pearls said she left said Steven

Well she never told us where she was going said said yellow

Do you think we should find her? I mean what if black-

Steven white is a diamond she can handle herself said blue

Blues right plus if anything happens to her I'll assure you all I'll beat that black diamond said spinel

Your so funny said yellow

Yes and I'm also Stevens girlfriend she stated which Steven widened his eyes

Well congratulations to you two said blue were so happy for you two said yellow

Oh no... Said Steven

Should we tell the rest of homeworld? Asked blue

NOOO ITS OK said Steven before they could speak a giant white figure entered the room

Steven were gonna be borrowing your ships yellow blue connect your ship onto mine were going to Homeworld white stated seriously

There eyes widened the two little gems asked

Can we come?! Asked spinel

I'm sorry spinel but this trip could be dangerous white responded

Well what about me? Asked Steven

No Steven if white said this planet is dangerous then you and spinel will be staying said blue

Blues right said white and the planet has no oxygen knor gravity I don't think you'll survive

But I can! I've been training my diamond powers for years pls let me and spinel come Steven pleaded

The three looked at each other then sigh in defeat long as you two Never leave ourside well let you come yellow stated

Deal! They two yelled

Alright then let's go to our perspective ships it's time I go home said white looking at the stone

They all look at her and smiled

Don't worry white we assure you that everything we'll be ok said spinel

Well be there if anything bad happens said blue

She smiled and got her confidence back

Everyone let's go she stated then they all left the room

They separated and went to there own chambers spinel and Steven entered the leg ship

You know how to control this? Asked spinel

Yeah the diamonds taught me how to said Steven

He activated the ship them the three followed they all attached there ships together then a bubble formed and transporting spinel and Steven to whites ship then followed was the two diamonds

This is gonna be a long journey said white

The gems from outside saw the giant mecha ship left Homeworld while the 5 just sat inside

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