Chapter 6: Black diamond

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Steven woke up that nap was the best for a very long day of playing with spinel he woke up to spinel watching him sleep He jumped out and spinel got scared too

Oh spinel it's you I'm sorry he added Im just not used to people or gems watching me sleep he added scratching his head

Ohhh...she added that sleep you taught me was very pleasant she added

Oh well I'm glad you enjoyed it he added we mostly do it if we're tired or were just sleepy or lazy

Ohhhh she added that will be noted she smiled normally which made Steven blush a little

I'm going to meet up with the diamonds do you wanna come? She asked Steven in a normal and not so joyful voice

Oh sure he added great! She replied let's go she grabbed his hands and they both left the room

Meanwhile white just entered the throne room before she left the secret room of hers she grabbed the black stone with her but she never removed the bubble

She sat down and looked at the stone her eyes filled with memories she wanted to forget meanwhile Steven and spinel were walking when yellow and blue almost stepped on them Steven made a bubble which protected them yellow stumbled and hit a pillar

Ouch she replied touching her head blue rushed to her side and accompanied her

I'm sorry yellow Steven yelled and came to the diamonds along with spinel

Here let me heal you said Steven already having his healing powers

No need Steven I never felt any pain since I'm a diamond said yellow

Blue lendded a hand and helped her get up she fixed herself then asked

Why were you on your bubble anyway? She look at him confused

Well you and blue were almost about to crush us so I had no choice Steven replied

Oh I'm sorry about that blue replied we never saw you I guess we were busy with our conversation

No it's ok I'm sorry too by the way where is white? Asked Steven

Well we saw her heading to the throne room with a bubbled thing on her hands yellow replied

That's why were going to see her blue added

Well spinel here was about to go the three of you so why don't we all go together? Asked Steven

Alright then said yellow

Blue picked up Steven while spinel went on yellows shoulder then they all went to the throne room they saw white sitting on her throne while looking at the stone they noticed her face had a sad expression

The two diamond put Steven and spinel down and Then Steven spoke

What's that thing white? He asked which made her startled the bubble pop which made the stone almost fell luckily she catches it on time and she hid it behind her

Steven! You startled me she added

What was that? Blue asked then white replied

That was nothing moonbeam I promise she said with a fake smile then spinel went behind her and grabbed the stone

Spinel don't! She yelled spinel got the stone but since it was too heavy she dropped it which activated it

Oh no said Steven in a worry voice spinel went to him and hidded them the stone started glowing

White took the stone then immediately a large group of gems were running inside very scared everyone was confused until blue and yellow pearl ran inside too

Pearl what's happening? Asked yellow diamond

My diamond unidentified gem ships are entering Homeworlds atmosphere blue pearl replied

Yellow pearl opened an hologram showing black ships and a giant one entering the planet then Steven widen his eyes

That's black diamond and his gems he yelled that's the same ships that entered earth the other day

They all look at him worriedly but they know what they had to do

Pearl evacuate all the gems near the convicted area said blue diamond

Call the main generals and prepare the defense of Homeworld said yellow everyone nodded and went to there proper places

Meanwhile black diamond landed his ship on whites chamber A vacant part he got out and noticed the planets very high advanced on technology he also noticed diamond writtings on walls and gems

He was shocked he never colonized this planet but it feels like home for him

Coral what is this planet ? He asked the gem

It says here my diamond it's Called Homeworld replied the coral gem

Impossible! He yelled there's only one Homeworld he added his aura spreaded because of his anger but then he realized

This planet might be useful within my quest he added

He took a hologram and showed the difference of Homeworld to the Homeworld where he lives

Coral move the the batch of Tanzanite and Benitoite and other gems here this planet will not be destroyed infact it will be a second Homeworld he added

Yes my diamond said the coral and typed the commands on her holographic device

Coral follow me I will be exploring a little bit about this planet

Yes my diamond

Black started walking within one sector the white stone which he always carries started glowing and his eyes glowed white as well

My diamond your eyes said coral concerned

He look at the stone and followed the aura coming from it

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