Chapter 8: Backstory

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Everyone was now sitting on there perspective thrones even Steven and spinel they shared the throne of pink diamond they were also back to there normal size everyone was silent until Steven spoke

Ok white tell us the truth who was that?! He asked in a almost angry voice

I think it's better if we all go to my secret room she replied follow me she added

She went to the middle of the ballroom and the rest followed white created a bubble then transported them onto her room

What are we doing in your room? Ask spinel curiously

She took out a key then opened a secret room everyone's jaw dropped

Follow me she spoke they were all shock but they did what she comandded after minutes of walking in a corridor they entered a room

It had a giant ship a floating gem and many more things

This place is amazing Steven stated

Spinel went to the top of the giant ship and white giggled

Indeed said blue looking around

We never knew you had another secret room said yellow

This is my not so secretive anymore room white spoke take a seat you all have a lot to know about me

She took the gem that was kept in a bubble and released her the gem started forming and everyone watched as the gem looked exactly as the black coral

My diamond I'm sorry for my inconvenience earlier she added while making the diamond sign

It's alright coral she replied smiling at the gem

Coral?! They all yelled then the little gem got scared

Everyone it's ok coral was my first ever gem servant until I switched to pearls she added coral would you be kind and tell them my backstory and how we ended up on this planet? She asked

Of course my diamond she added she created a hologram to fit her narrating

Eons ago a two giant meteor fell on a planet that's uninhabitable and deserted she stated and they all listen

This Homeworld? Asked spinel

No spinel there's another Homeworld stated white everyone widened there eyes

That was when the creation of my diamond which is white diamond and black diamond came onto existence

My diamond had the power of perfection and creation while black diamond has the power of destruction and chaos the two diamonds were made to balance the universe specifically they were partners made for each other

After hearing that Steven and spinel fell of there chairs and they both said in unison Whattttt there eyes had stars in them

So black diamond is like your husband? Ask Steven

What's a husband? Ask white the three looked at him confused

Well it's the person or gem that you'll spend the rest of your life with Steven added

I guess so yes he's my husband white added that made Steven more shock

I never knew diamonds can love Steven added

Blue and Yellow look at him with anoyyed face yellow asked

Seriously Steven? Your mother was a literally diamond she stated

I know but I thought gems were like siblings said Steven

Siblings? Asked blue

Itd like Someone who's related to you Steven replied

Oh no your very mistaken white added I created the gems but none of them are related because if they are then your friends ruby and sapphire would be a little

Right Steven stated then coral continued

My diamond was made of pure evil while black diamond was made of pure good

That explains why gem wanted to kill Steven before spinel joked when they didn't laugh she apologized then coral continued again

My diamond was the first to came out until she found black diamond the two diamonds lived in the planet for millions of year until they discovered how to create gems using both there powers they created the first gem a zircon however the gem was very small so my diamond stated that gems they created would be servants to both them and the empire they were about to create

That's when the creation of homeworld started many gems were made to serve black and white diamond white diamond loved expanding the empire while black loved helping the other gems

Black diamond loved my diamond very much

That line made white turn around and stop herself from being embarrassed Steven smirked along with blue and yellow while spinel made a funny face then blue diamond spoke

Aw white no need to be embarrassed she said while gigling they all laughed while white was just annoyed

He would give her everything she wanted some were necessary some were not and he would kill any gem that would come and insult my diamond or come near her without permission

Wow you have a very overprotective husband white Steven laughed

Homeworld was now fully developed that's when the fighting took place

Alright my dear coral that's all I need you to say she commanded

Yes my diamond she replied

Fighting? Asked yellow then white spoke

We had a misunderstanding that led me to leave Homeworld with my coral then because of my anger I got sent to another galaxy very very far away from Homeworld  until my ship crashed on this planet that were on

Homeworld spinel stated

Exactly and that giant thing is my ship that crashed 500 billion years ago she pointed

How old are you? Ask Steven

Oh Steven Its better of you wouldn't know she replied

Wait but what was that black stone? Asked spinel

I don't know either spinel but black found the rocks we exchange so that um... She replied

So that he would always be with you even though your not with him? Asked blue

Something like that blue she replied

Steven yellow spinel and blue all smirked at white while she spoke

Stop it! She said in annoyed voice

So are you planning on coming back to Homeworld? Ask blue

No this is my home now I belong with the gems that I've created and Steven I'm not gonna be leaving this planet

But what if they come back? Ask spinel

We'll be ready For it spinel yellow stated

They all nodded Steven smiled at spinel assured him that everything will be ok spinel got her strength back and smiled back

Also I think it's better we name your home planet gem world spinel suggested because we'd have 3 Homeworld by that

You have a point spinel said blue after more of there conversation they all left the secret room and went back to there places

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