Chapter 21: Steven and Black

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Spinel and Steven arrived on Homeworld they noticed the 4 diamonds talking so they interrupted

Hey everyone said spinel

Oh Steven! spinel! your back! Said blue

The two jumped onto her hand and smiled spinel spoke

How do I look? She asked

You look beautiful said yellow you decided to return the placement of your gem? She asked

Oh yeah I also decided to get rid of my marks she stated

Well whatever Suits you you'll always look beautiful spinel said Steven

Thanks Stevie said spinel kissing him the two diamonds widened there eyes

Oh my... Are you two? Asked blue

Yes blue said Steven smiling happily then he held spinels hand

Congratulations said both of the diamonds happily

Thank you by the way what are you all doing here? Asked spinel

Well we just finished giving those 4 a tour around the palace said blue

Where's white? Asked Steven

Well....she hasn't came out of her chambers yet said yellow

Steven thought for a moment then made his decision

Spinel is it ok if I go talk to white I'll come back for you later said Steven

It's no problem at all she stated just don't take 6000 years she joked

Aw I won't I promise he stated he kissed her cheek then jumped out of blues hand

He ran through the chambers of white diamond he noticed her room was closed so he took the tiny door

He got in and noticed white wasn't there but black

He froze on his spot before he could turn around black spoke

What are you doing here? He turned to look at Steven

Hi um... Steven stuttered

I know you were looking for white she just left a couple minutes ago he stated

Oh...thank he stuttered

No problem he stated then continued to look back at the window Steven noticed that his face was in a form of blank expression so he went closer

He jumped on the giant table and jumped on the window

What are you still doing here? He asked

I know I have no rights to be here in the first place but I know something's wrong he stated

There is something wrong..... a lot actually.... but it's not like you can help the situation he stated looking at Steven

I might not help the situation...but I can listen and give advice he stated

Your too funny for a son of a diamond he stated

I know the feeling of having to much to carry on your hurts sometimes

Then black giggled Steven....

He looked at him first time a gem ever actually called him his name instead of Quartz or diamond

Yes? He asked

I've lived longer than your planet has ever existed and if I compare my problems to yours then...I guess it's just 0000.1 of my problems

Oh...he stated

But I wanna ask he looked at the window

About what? He stated looking at him

How can you be so heroic even through tough times he stated

I don't know he responded ...but if I found solutions to my problems then im sure you will too Steven said while smiling

I guess you're right he stated he sigh heavily

Both of them got silent until Steven spoke

Do you still Love white?

Blacks eyes widened and he smiled

White.... He stated

Yes Steven responded

I never lost my feelings for her he stated even throughout the years that came by

Do you think there's a possibility that you two could be together? He asked

He just looked at the window again and responded

It depends...if she continues to push me away out of her life then maybe just maybe ... We were never ment for each other to begin with

Are you willing to let her go? He asked looking at her

He sigh and responded

If she's happy then I have no rights to stop her decision

I'm sure you'll get her back said Steven

He just smiled and closed his eyes Steven sat down on the platform and looked at the outside

What was the reason why she left? He asked

It's a funny story actually said black he looked at him and begin his story

It was era 1

Homeworld has began expanding its empire through every galaxy

White had the ambition to conquer the entire universe

I was all ok with everything she did


Everytime she would hurt a gem I would always argue with her

The fact that all gems should be treated equally

Of course I was like this before after all

I am made of pure good

Years came by and our fighting continue to grow up to the point where Homeworld almost blew up because of our powers

And the last straw was when I failed my colony

I was so stressed and that's when the biggest fight happened

We hurted each other in every way

Until she decided that this was going nowhere then she left

It took me a few cycled to realize that I lost her completely

That's when my world came crumbling apart

Up until now

So the moment you lost white it's like you also lost half of your life...


Have you tried apologizing? He asked

I don't think she'll hear it

White has changed im sure she'll forgive you but we both can't know if you dont try so... Why don't you try.... apologize to her maybe this way things will be more ok with the two of you and who knows maybe you two could be together again

He just smiled and responded I'll try

Before Steven could speak white opened the door

Steven! She yelled

Oh hey white! I was just talking to black he stated

Oh...well alright then I'll just go she stated

Wait I'll go with you after all spinel must be very worried

Alright then

Before Steven could leave he spoke to black

I believe in you

He jumped down and went to white then the two left the room leaving black all alone

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