Chapter 9: Gem world

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Black diamond arrived on Homeworld or gem world as what spinel calls it he landed his ship on his chambers the gems saw him and they all have there salutes

He got out of the ship and headed towards the meeting room he sat down on the throne and called his coral

Coral summon Red and Brown we'll be having a meeting said black diamond looking at his screen

Yes my diamond said coral after that he took his communicator and contacted red and brown coral he explained and they all nodded and headed to tell there diamonds

Five minutes later 2 giant figure as big as blue and yellow entered the room along with there corals they both sat down and black turn offed his communicator

Corals leave the room said black they all nodded then left the meeting room

So why did you summon us black? Asked brown in a scared voice

Yes is there something wrong? Red asked concerned

I found her he stated

The two looked at each other confused and asked

Who? Asked red

Black revealed the white stone that he has kept for billions of years then the two widened there eyes

You found White diamond?! Said red in a panick and happy voice

Yes black replied simply

What's great brown replied where is she? He asked

My moonlight is in homeworld said black in a angry voice

But isn't this homeworld? Asked red that made black very angry

There's another planet full of gems I also noticed three new diamonds that I knew she created black added

So are we attacking it? Asked red

No I'll handle it now that I found my dear moonlight we can finally be together forever and complete the final peice if my plan he replied and laughed like a maniac

The two diamonds looked at each other scared

After that the two left the conference room and went on a separate room to talk

Brown this is bad he stated Worryingly

What do you mean? Well finally have our queen back after billions of years said brown happily

I know but his other plan he stated we both know what will happen if he completes his plan he stated

Right ...but don't you think white wants him back on her life ? Brown asked

I don't know but we all know black he'll never stop until he gets what he wants even if it's done by force red stated

I guess we just have to warn the gems that he was talking about said brown

But how?! We don't even know there exact coordinance red stated

Right... But wait if he found her then maybe his ship has the data he suggested

I guess your right but how can we get the data? His ship is heavily guarded and one wrong move and we both can be shattered he stated Just like what happened to purple

I'll think of a plan for now we need to make sure black doesn't do any other funny business brown stated 

Do you think white will be evil like what do story tells? Ask red

I'm not sure but I just hope she's not because one demon is enough in this planet but 2 powerful demons? I'll just shatter myself thank you very much said brown sarcastically

Stop making jokes said red seriously

I'm sorry but it's been Millenia I think she's good now or maybe they changed personality but we don't know

Oh stars this is why I always ask myself why was I ever created? Said red

Same here I wonder what purples reaction is gonna be when he's still here

I bet Hes gonna annoy black to death and when white arrives same faith for her I guess said red

The two laughed and continued there conversation

Meanwhile in homeworld blue and yellow were in a separate room away from white spinel and Steven then they started there conversation

I can't believe that white kept a secret that big from us yellow stated

I know but we can't blame her she looks very hurt when coral started narrating her past blue added

How many secrets does she kept hidden away?! She yelled realising her power

Yellow calm down or your gonna destroy this room blue quoted

I'm sorry it's just so frustrating said yellow

Do you think white will want black back on her life? Blue asked

I don't know said yellow but that black gem seems possessive like what Steven said yellow replied

I know it's sure he'll force white onto his doings she replied

Before they could comeback we need to plan something for the gems

Right but what? Asked blue

It's better if they have an emergency escape route to earth and the other colonies said yellow

Right I'll tell the topaz and amethyst the escape route plan but what about us and spinel and Steven? Asked blue

It's better if you came along with the gems I know very well if that black diamond ever comes back white will face him she stated

No I'll be staying too Steven and spinel can't bare to loose another diamond

But what if we three got shattered its mostlikely gonna break the poor boy said and spinel  yellow annoyed

We won't be shattered I can guarantee that she said confidently

I hope..let's just see how the next events will play out in the near future she stated before she could leave blue spoke

Do you think black will change his mind in the near future? She asked

What do you mean? She asked

I mean like what the coral said white was made of pure evil while black was made of pure good and I believe throughout the century the two changed personality

I guess so but we're not entirely sure said yellow I'm going back to my chambers I need to finish my reports then she left leaving blue diamond alone

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