Chapter 22: Convincing

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White and Steven left the room and they both went to go find the others

Steven was he hard on you? White asked

No he was actually very soft Steven commented

That's good to hear she stated back

White and Steven arrived at the sight of the other diamonds and spinel

Steven hoped out and went directly to spinel

Are you ok?! I was so worried when white told us that she never saw you said spinel while hugging him tightly

Don't worry Nelly I'm ok I even got to talk to black he stated which caught everyone's attention

You talked to black? Asked brown looking at him

Yeah and he was very nice said Steven stated while smiling

Of course he's nice he is made of pure good white commented everyone looked at her smirked

White noticed so she asked in embarrassment


Then red scoffed Black? Nice?  Too words that I could never believe in a million years

Same here said brown with all the shattering and conquering he did I could never imagine

Well he was very nice to me and I Also noticed that he was very sad just to say

But why? Asked spinel

White I think it's better if you go talk to him said blue

White looked at her and asked

Why me?

White you are his partner I'm sure he'll understand you in any kind of way yellow stated

Yellow and blue are right said Steven and from what we talked about im sure he'll be very happy to see you again

He said confidently then took back his words

I mean he's gonna be happy with someone to talk to he completed his sentence white narrowed her brow and asked

Steven what have you been telling him? He asked everyone looked at the boy and he laughed nervously

Well that conversation was ment for me and him no one should know about it rather than me and him

White sigh and brown responded

Come on white diamond talk to him maybe this could lead him to a new path where new beginnings can occur

Browns right in this situation we are on its best if he atleast changed his behavior red stated

White was very hesitant Steven thought for a moment then whispered something to spinel

Spinel whispered back Are you sure? What if she gets angry?

Yes and plus she can't hurt us he stated gigling

Alright then Steven she whispered back

Spinel fixed herself then spoke White come on its not that hard unless....

White looked at her and narrowed her brow

Unless what? She asked the little gem

Your avoiding him because you still like him she stated everyones eyes widened and they turned to look at white

I- she stuttered spinel and Steven grew a large smile then Steven started chanting

White loves black spinel giggled and chanted along with him

Steven...I thought you were mature said white in a disappointed voice

I am but sometimes you just have to let the childish days came by then he continued chanting

Yellow and Blue looked at each other then chanted along along with Steven and spinel

Not long enough red and brown decided to join the fun

Stop! Yelled white embarrassed When she noticed that they weren't stopping she stated again Fine I'll do it! She yelled just stop!

Finally said everyone

Before they continued talking a giant black gem approached the darkness and they turned to look at him

Red and brown approached him and asked

Black how are you feeling asked brown the two looked concerned

Brown and red started apologizing on how big of a failure they are the fact that the two lost to a coupe of small rebellion gems

He sigh and responded I'll figure out a way to retake Homeworld and the empire but for now.... He turned to look at them and spoke

Is it ok if I get a tour around this planet? He asked

They all looked at each other then Steven spoke

Of course white would love to give you a tour around Homeworld He said while jumping on white diamonds shoulders

What?! She whispered to Steven

This is your chance white said Steven I promise you he will change And that's gonna be for the better good

White sigh in defeat there was no turning back at this point so she spoke

Of course follow me I'll show you around she stated

She lender her hand which he took with no regret they both smiled at each other then after that they left the room

Should we spy on them? Asked blue Looking at everyone

This may sound weird but of course we'll spy on them said yellow Confidently

You four are the most preternatural gems that I have ever met in my whole light existence I'm not gonna be joining you said red

Come on red don't be such a Space clod said brown

Red sigh in defeat and responded

Fine but if we get caught you will all take the blame

Deal said spinel let's do it on our room to be more secure spinel stated

Fine they all replied

They all left and headed towards pink Diamonds chambers yellow settee up the control panels and they saw the two

This is gonna be a long day said Steven

I know but it's gonna be worth it spinel replied

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