Chapter 10 Problems and Cookie cat

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Steven and spinel went back to there room Steven flopped on his bed he sigh in defeat spinel looked at him worryingly

Steven are you ok? Ask spinel

Oh yeah spinel said Steven it's just I thought everything was ok until this new problem arised how did I became from Cookie cat boy to saving the galaxy boy

Then he looked at the ceiling and closed eyes until spinel asked

What's a Cookie cat? She look at him confused

Then Steven opened his eyes and replied

Oh it's this ice cream Sandwich that I use to eat when I was still a kid the gems would always bought it for me he replied remembering the good times

Why don't we get one?, Ask spinel im sure it will make you feel better she added

But spinel I still have so many things to do said Steven then spinel frowned

Alright then I'll just get one myself when Steven noticed her sad he couldn't bring himself so he sigh in defeat again

You know what? Let's go then spinels eyes widen

Thank you Steven! She yelled and started celebrating Steven giggled then they left the room they saw blue pearl and yellow pearl talking so they approached them

Hey yellow blue if the diamonds ask where we are just say we went to earth for a quick snack said Steven

Yes my Steven said yellow and blue

Thanks! Let's go spinel said Steven they ran to the galaxy warped and left Homeworld

A few minutes later they arrived back in earth they went inside the house and the trio saw them

Steven! They all yelled and hugged him

Hey guys! Said Steven spinel go ahead I'll wait for you outside

No it's ok I'll stay here she said smiling then Steven smiled back

Oh ok he added the gems and him talked until they got to black diamonds topic

So yeah he's real white confirmed it said Steven

Woah said amethyst unbelievable said pearl

White also confirmed that he was her husband

What?! Said everyone then amethyst spoke

Does that mean they like hooked up before? Amethyst! Yelled pearl

Steven laughed then said I guess so but I can't confirmed yet

Huh I guess pink and white are alike said garnet

I know right said Steven then realized spinel was getting bored so he ended his conversation now

Guys In just here to grab a quick snack and I'll be back on Homeworld

Aw alright then we still need to go back to little Homeworld but have fun said amethyst

We will! Said Steven come on spinel he took her hand and started running out the house they ran through the city of beach and went to the donut shop

Steven took 2 Cookie cat and payed the cashier then the two left and sat on a bench near by

Steven started eating while spinel got confused he noticed so he spoke

Try it ...I know some gems don't eat but I guarantee its very good

Spinel noodded then took a bite it wasn't perfect for her taste but she liked it then she continued eating Steven laughed at how fast she was

While they were eating Steven noticed someone walking he noticed it was Connie so he tried to get his attention and he succeeded

Hey Connie! He greeted

Hey Steven! Your here! She yelled the two got closer and Steven noticed a boy with her which made him jealous

We just came by your house and you weren't there said Connie

Oh yeah me and spinel are just here to eat he added

You must be Steven universe I'm Jacob Andrew Connie's boyfriend he smiled while waiting for a hand shake

Those words crushed Steven into a million pieces Connie had a boyfriend since when?! He thought to himself then spinel spoke

Hi I'm spinel Stevens girlfriend! The two looked shock and Steven whispered what?! She looked at him confused

But Jacob just smiled nice to meet you spinel he added Maybe we all can have a double date sometime he replied

Yeah that'll be great! Connie smiled at the him

Yeah I guess..oh no were late for a meeting in Homeworld we gotta go LETS GO SPINEL! He yelled he took his hands and the two left the two couple and ran through the warp pad

Spinel why would you say that?! He asked angrily

But isn't it true? She asked he's Connie's friend who was a boy and I'm your friend who's a girl she said smiling

Spinellll he sigh in annoyance there a different meaning to humans about boyfriend and girlfriend boyfriend or girlfriend means you two are in a relationship or in love

Then spinel suddenly realized oh my god I never knew I'm sorry Steven she yelled almost about to cry

No no it's ok he added just don't do that again ok? He asked her

Of course anything for you! She responded then they warped away eventually they ended up in the garden where spinel was abandoned she noticed and ask slowly

What are we doing here?

He didn't responded he left the warp pad and sat on the dead grass spinel followed and sat beside him

You know sometimes I like to come here for peace and quiet he stated I know this isn't the best memories for you but this place makes me feel calm I'm sorry if it's very uncomfortable for you

No it's ok as long as your happy I'll be happy too

He smiled and she smiled back then she rested her head on his shoulder

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