Chapter 14: Mural room

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After black and white left the area brown and red led them to a chamber

Where do you think he's bringing white?blue whispered to yellow

She looked at her and responded

I don't know let's just hope for the best yellow stated

The 4 were walking down a hall, blue carried Steven while yellow carried spinel everyone was silent until they reached a room

That had a diamond symbol but only 2 though a black and white

Welcome to the mural room said brown

Mural? Asked spinel he turned and open the doors all the lights opened and revealed a giant mural a black and white while the sides consists of red Brown and purple

As you can see the giant murals are black diamond and white diamond the the red one is me of course while that brown one is brown red responded

Who's the purple one? Asked Steven pointing at the side

Oh we don't talk about him said brown said in a teary voice

Oh no...not now brown ..not again he whispered

He came closer to the diamond and hugged him then he started crying the rest just stood in shock

Where's purple diamond? Asked yellow Confused

Red looked at her annoyed but sigh coral tell them the story

Yes my diamond the red coral responded

It was era 2 the creation of the new formed diamonds red diamond brown diamond and purple diamond

Red diamond and brown diamond were proper created by black diamond to expand the gem kind throughout the universe

Purple was different instead of expanding the empire to create new gems he wanted to destroy all planets and galaxies throughout the universe

In the few thousands of years of being created the three diamonds never knew that white diamond existed

Until purple diamond found the hidden mural room which is this room

After finding out about white diamond he spread the news throughout the planet every gem was now aware of her

Which made black diamond very furious

So in attempt to teach purple diamond a lesson he banned him from ever conquering ever again

Black diamond and purple were very different up to the point where purple demanded the throne of homeworld

Everyone was shock but of course black said no that was the start of the Homeworld rebellion

The what?! They all yelled

Purple created an army division after division to fight off all the homeworld gems that are loyal to black red and brown

They took 1/4 of the planet and it's resources

Purple thought he won so he went straight to black diamond for negotiation he demanded the throne and for them to be exiled to planet 8XL HPS which is the smallest colony that purple has ever conquered

Of course black refused which made purple furious so he used his power against black but he was no matched

So he said these words that triggered black diamond onto shattering him

What?! they all yelled

Black diamond shattered purple diamond.. said blue in a scared voice yellow noticed her having a scared reaction so she went and comforted her

Spinel thought for a moment and asked

What were the words? She said looking at the two diamonds

It's better if we don't say said brown it will only make it harder for us he stated

Let's go to the next room said red before they could leave Steven noticed something floating on the air a bubble perhaps so he spoke


They all look at him with confusion then he stated

What's that bubble above purple diamonds mural? He said pointing

The two looked away immediately the 4 were confused until they realized what was inside the bubble it was purple shards

Stevens and spinel widened there eyes

Is that?!... Steven yelled

Yes it is said red those are his shards

They all looked in horror at the floating bubble memories flooded there head about there past experiences mostly it affected yellow she was the diamond who shattered the most

Maybe ...we can bring him back said spinel

They all looked at her then brown stated

No gem has ever been reformed when there shattered said brown

Well I accidentally shattered Jasper but I bought her back to life said Steven

Yellow Blue and spinel looked at him

You did what?! Said yellow when?! Asked spinel How?! Said blue

I was not my normal self ok?! He said turning pink with his anger

Did you try combining your powers? Asked blue

No.. all our powers are ment for destruction Red has the power of fire while I have the power of anything that involves with the environment said brown

Like dirt? Or earth said Steven

I guess so he responded Looking at his hands

Then blue spoke

Is your planet all made of male gems? She asked looking at brown then red responded

Well we had female gems but black ordered all there execution because of what happened said brown

So every female gem is now shattered? Ask yellow

Yes brown stated and we have no rights to back down against his rule

This planet is very miserable said spinel

Just like how homeworld is back in the day said blue then she spread her aura throughout the room which made everyone cry

Blue pls said yellow

Oh. I'm sorry she responded recalling her aura

Let's leave this room it's gonna be better for us all said brown they all nodded in agreement and left the room to go to another chamber

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