Chapter 16: Rebels attack

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The 6 gems finally arrived at the center place of the whole planet

Welcome to the throne room said brown Looking at the thrones

Woah Steven stated he looked at the sorrouding he noticed a black and white throne floating at the top while three other thrones lay under

It's like our throne room back in Homeworld said blue

I know right said spinel looking at the thrones

You call your planet Homeworld too? Asked red How pathetic he laughed which made yellow annoyed

Yellow don't said Steven calming her down

What do you do here? Asked spinel curiously

Well this is where all our court host a assembly said brown with the guidance of black red me and back then purple he responded

Back in our homeworld the throne room was use as a ball room where your court dances said spinel

Well we have a separate ball room said red unlike yours he looked at all or them

At this point yellow was getting really annoyed stopping herself from killing the red diamond

This room is now rarely used ever since the start of era 3 brown stated

Wait your in era 3? Asked yellow that's a strange coincidence because we're also in era 3 she stated

Yes era 1 was the start of black diamond and white diamond era 2 was the start of me brown and purple then era 3 or now is the start of me black and brown

Brown was explaining everything until white shows up her face was very noticeable that she cried

Everyone looked at each other then back at her Steven grabbed spinels hand and they both jumped to her which she catches them

How was it? Asked spinel Looking worryingly

White didn't responded and just sigh deeply

You don't have to answer us if it's very difficult for you Steven stated smiling at her

Thank you Steven she responded at the same time a black gem came out of a hall

Black said red he looked at everyone his eyes full of anger his face was Also noticeable from crying

What happened? Asked brown he didn't respond everyone was silent until Homeworlds alarm went off and noises started being herd from outside

What in the stars? Asked black the black coral started looking throughout the outside view he noticed the rebels attacking some of them fused the other gems were trying to hold them back

My diamond it's the rebels said coral

Again?! Red asked I thought we wiped them out?! Yelled red again

Rebels? Asked white everyone looked at her until black spoke

We have no time he pointed at white and the other diamonds

Leave this planet we have no time he stated

Red and brown nodded then red spoke

Follow us we'll lead you to your ship the 4 nodded then started leaving they didn't realize white was still inside

What's going on?! She yelled

What are you still doing here?! He yelled back I told you to leave!

I'm not leaving until I get my answer! She stated

We're being attacked isn't it obvious?! He yelled now leave!

Why are you pushing me away like before?! She yelled

She didn't noticed the rebels gems fused behind her they were ready to shatter her until black noticed

I'm doing this.... He stated he created a black sword whites eyes widened

Is he going to shatter her? She thought she didn't know what to do

Until he spoke For you! he grabbed her and stabbed the fusion gem behind her she looked back and they all proofed right infront of her eyes

He still had her in his grip the place was starting to crumble

My diamond we have to leave said coral in a calm voice

He nodded he grabbed her coral and never let go of white then ran as fast as he can until he reached the outside

Finally the whole place collapsed he noticed the outside was very destroyed everyone was battling this was the start of

The second gem revolution

White finally had her thoughts back she noticed everyone was in the ship she also noticed spinel running towards her

Spinel don't! She yelled until she was stabbed by a gem everyone widened there eyes stevens anger started to build up then she proofed her gem fell on the ground

Then he screamed letting out his diamond powers he ran to the gem that stabbed her and shatter the gem which made all the diamonds shock.

Steven....said blue looking very horrified

Steven got back on his sense he realized what he did he immediately dropped the shards and grabbed spinels gem

At this point he never cared if he shattered a gem his friend or his girlfriend was proofed because of one

He took spinels gem and looks at the two diamonds he noticed a building was about to fell on white so he screamed

White look out! She turned around but black gave in and he got hit knocking him out

Black! She screamed she looked at all the chaos sorrouding then she focused her mind

Steven run I'll catch up to you! She yelled he nodded then started running back at the ship white took all the material that was covering black and she carried him she ran to the ship and entered then yellow immediately started the ship finally they took off 

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