Chapter 18: Confessions

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The diamond mech ship arrived on homeworlds galaxy upon entering the planet the 4 parts separated and went to there perspective places

When Steven noticed that they landed he wiped away his tears and got up he opened the door and then ran outside the leg ship

The gems noticed him crying he didn't care if anyone saw him cry his mind was blurred at this moment

The others were worried for him stating that what if the diamonds did something to him or if they hired the poor boy

They never noticed spinels gem he ran inside and went to pink diamonds chambers he ran to his and spinels room

He came in and lock to the door so no one could enter

Upon putting spinel on one of the table made by the pebbles her gem started glowing Stevens eyes widened

The gem floated then formed a very familiar body mostly spinels body until her formation was done and she stepped on the ground

This is much nicer than my old costume said spinel looking at her outfit

She continued admiring her new form while Steven just stared at her his eyes still filled with tears

Her gem returned to her proper form and she had new design

Her gem returned to her proper form and she had new design

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She looked at Steven and smiled

Steven! I'm back! She looked at him but he didn't respond

Steven?... she asked again worryingly

Steven got up carefully then ran to her at full speed and hugged her causing both of them to fall on the ground spinel returned his hug and comforted him

I thought...I lost you..he stated crying

Aww Steven I wasn't shattered of course I'll never be gone she said smiling at him

I'm sorry I didn't protect you he stated looking at her

It's ok Steven...wipe those tears off its blue diamonds job to cry said spinel removing his tears

Steven got silent then kissed spinel on the lips spinels eyes widened she started panicking but in a good way

She didn't know what to do so she returned it after all it felt right for her

They kissed for a few seconds until Steven broke away which spinel got annoyed

Spinel i've been meaning to tell you this he stated slowly

Spinels eyes widened she grabbed his jacket and kissed him again which he also returned

Don't worry I love you too Stevie she stated touching his cheeks

Steven giggled and looked at her

Is that your nickname for me? He asked

Well yes and what about you? She asked looking at him what's your nickname for me?

What about Nelly does that sound good to you? He asked

It's perfect she stated she went to his bag which he got confused

What are you doing there? He asked coming near her

Well since I got my new form it's only gonna be best of you also change your outfit Said spinel looking at the clothes he has

She took out some clothes she threw some of the others that she think was too ugly then she found a pair and gave it to him

Here change over there and I'll wait for you outside she comandded

If you say so Nelly said Steven

He took the clothes and went to the other room while spinel went outside

She looked at the ceiling and thought about what happened

They were all running everything was chaos outside they entered the ship until she noticed someone was missing

Where's white? Asked spinel

I thought she was following us said Steven

Spinel didn't know if white would be ok so she ran outside to go to her

Spinel wait! Said Steven

She started running and running until she noticed the two diamonds came out before the building colapse

She paused for a second until white yelled

Spinel don't!

Until a gem stabbed her she froze on her spot until she poofed

Her mind was on cloud 9 until the door open revealing Steven

How do I look? Asked Steven with his new outfit

Spinel was speechless but she managed to say to him

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Spinel was speechless but she managed to say to him

You look amazing Stevie she stated hugging him

Thanks Nelly now where should we go? Asked Steven

You know what all of this drama in homeworld and whites home feels like spin off of what we have said spinel jokingly

I know right it feels like we're meeting our alternate selves said Steven laughing

What do you think if we go to earth before we continue all this drama here said spinel

Of course after all I need to rest my brain with this information it's getting very big for me said Steven

Alright then she stated let's go

She grabbed his hand and he said wait

What is it? She asked looking concerned

He smiled and carried her piggy back style which spinel giggled

You could have just asked me she stated kissing him on the cheek

He used his powers to grow a little taller then he stated

Hold on tight

Then he started running spinel was having fun they were both yelling like crazy which got the other gems attention until they reach the warp pad

You go first my lady said Steven

Spinel giggled and replied what a gentlegem

He smiled and went next to her he held her hand and they warped away leaving Homeworld to go to Stevens homeplanet


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