Chapter 5: White memories

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After the mentioning of black diamond white went straight to her chambers she created a bubble then it transported her to a secret room that no gem has ever entered knor any other diamonds

She opened her room with the secret code she has hidden the room opened and revealed a white ship but not any regular Homeworld ships the ship had a symbol that shows 2 diamond color white and black

She touched the ship and and exhaled

It's been a while.. she look at the ship then at the floating bubble which contain a piece of something

She took the bubble and revealed a black stone the half was missing the stone had a carved diamond on it

She look at the stone then remembered her past

White was sitting on the ground a secret place where the 2 diamonds only knew it exist they used the room as there relaxation area to get away from all the things they have to do

White I have something for you said a figure

Oh! black you scared me.. what is it? She turned around looking at her fellow diamond

Black sat down beside her and spoke

I'm sorry if I scared you moonlight here he showed a stone carved stone

What is it? She asked confused

I found this is the meteor we came out of i guess the black belongs to me and the white for you

Oh..that's amazing she replied Looking at the stones

I wanted to ask if we could switch stones he added

Oh sure there's no problem with me but what if something happens she asked

I'm not sure if something will happen I just wanna switch so that when your not around a piece of you will always be with me to remember you moonlight he added

Oh she blushed showing her pink color blushed

Black giggled and added you look cute when blushing he couped her face and kissed her lightly Which she returned

I promise you moonlight our empire will rise and shine throughout the galaxy he added and who knows maybe we can make a little diamond too

Black! She replied shyly still blushing We can't create diamonds she added

Well if we can create gems I think making a diamond wouldn't be that hard He replied gigling

Oh my sweet eclipse your such a annoying star sometimes she added

But atleast I'm your annoying star he added then carried her bridal style

Put me down black! Your embarassing me she added hiding her face on his chest

Why would you be embarrassed were the rulers of this planet and I assure you of anyone makes fun of you they will suffer a horrible faith

White look at the stone she never wanna touch it ever again after what happened

It's time to forget about this place she added then let the bubble float in the air again

Meanwhile Steven and spinel just finished there game in the garden the two were exhausted

That was very fun Steven added Full of Joy but very exhausted

I told you this will be the time of your life spinel replied while still bouncing with joy

It's been along time since i had that so much fun he added

Well if you want more games your free and I'm happy to assist you to more and fun things I know she added happily

Thanks spinel for now I'm gonna sleep a little bit he added while yawning

What's sleep? She asked curiously

Right gems don't sleep... he replied well it's a thing we do on earth we close our eyes and relax not thinking of anything

I wanna try said spinel excitedly

Are you sure? He asked curiously

Yes I wanna try human things too! she replied plus I don't think it won't hurt right? She asked

Oh no it won't I promise he added if you insist then let's go to our room he said with a weakbakd tired smile

Let's go! She replied then they started walking back to pinks chambers

Meanwhile white was still in the secret room she looked through her old stuff old files that she used to do and the one thing that got her attention was the coral bubbled

Coral... She dropped her items then headed to the bubbles placement

She grabbed the bubble and popped it then a gem started forming it was a white coral gem

Where am I? Asked the coral confusedly and scared

Hello my dear coral said white lifting her on her hand

My diamond she replied saluting the diamond sign

My diamond your ok but where's black diamond? She asked confusedly and where are we ? She added

White couldn't handle more question so she ended up proofing her again she bubbled her gem and left it floating in the room

She sat down and looked at all her belongings

What in the stars did I get myself into she added

Steven and spinel headed to there room Steven summoned 2 beds which the pebbles made They both lay on there beds and steven added

Just Close your eyes and relax don't think about anything just relax after a minute or 2 spinel was already completely asleep

Steven look at her and smiled her kissed never left his head his still wondering why she did that but he guessed since she missed him so much he closed his eyes and slept as well

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