Chapter 3: Diamonds

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Steven was in his room sleeping everything was perfectly normal until his dream started

Steven was in a black room he tried to look around but everything was pitch black

He tried to speak but his mouth was glued shut

Until he saw something or someone

He approached it and got scared it was the same gem that landed in there planet

Black diamond he said he was shocked he can speak again

The figure never did anything until the room turned into a bunch of chaos from scenes or events that never happened 

I'll come for you Steven universe said the figure then he woke up

Steven woke up it was already 7am he was grasping for air the dream he had was so realistic he didn't had other thoughts he changed out of his pajamas and went down stairs to see pearl waiting for him

Oh Steven your awake do you wanna eat before we go? Ask pearl

No pearl let's go now said Steven in a worry voice

You look so scared are you ok? She asked worriedly

The dream i had was very realistic said Steven I have no time to eat lets go pearl

Pearl nodded they both went to the galaxy warp and went to Homeworld

When they arrived the first person to ever hugged and greet them was spinel

Steven pearl your back! Said spinel in a happy and exciting voice

Huh you remember me said pearl

Of course I do pearl but where are the others ask spinel in a confusing voice

There back in earth said pearl it's just me and steven

Steven pearl do you wanna play? Ask spinel I have many games that are very fan I guarantee

Spinel maybe another time I need to talk to yellow white and blue this is urgent said Steven where are they? He asked

Lucky for you the three are in the throne room and I know they'll be very happy to see you said spinel happily

Here we go pearl said Steven taking a deep breath thank you spinel we'll be going to them

Alright then I'll go meet up with the others said spinel then they both went to different directions

The two eventually Reached the throne room then they saw the three chatting with one another and laughing

Hey everyone sorry to drop in unexpectedly said Steven they all look at him and a wide smile appeared in there faces

Steven! They all said in unison they were about to leave there thrones until Steven told them to not since they won't be staying for a long time

It's been a while since you last visited Steven white stated

I know I'm sorry about that I've been very busy on earth said Steven scratching his head

That's not a problem at all you don't have to worry blue stated

What brings you here Steven? Ask yellow diamond

Well I needed some information said Steven nervously

Of course we'll be happy to tell you the things we know said blue

But what is it? Ask white

Was there ever a black diamond? Ask Steven while stuttering

The two diamonds looked at each other then to him very confused since they have never seen one or heard one then white froze on her spot memories came flooding within her head

Black diamond? We've never heard of it knor seen it said yellow

Stop lying! said Steven very annoyed since pearl knows I think you also know !

Steven were telling the truth said blue diamond white what is he talking about? Ask blue very confused

They noticed her stuck in her thoughts she was also frozen looking blankly on the ceiling

White? Ask yellow

White? Are you there? Ask blue

White diamond to Homeworld! Yelled Steven  that let her get back to reality

Right ..what were we talking about? Ask white in a panick

Do you know any black diamond? Ask yellow I've certainly never met one said yellow

Knor me said blue looking at her

Steven where did you get this information? Ask white seriously and almost in a yelling voice

Well yesterday they landed on earth and we saw this giant gem as tall as you white said Steven

She also had a pearl but she called it coral and the gem was Also in the forehead like yours said pearl

No can't be she murmured under her breath

White do you know her? Ask Steven While looking at him

Yes Steven I know him she replied in a shameful way and looking down

Wait what?! They all replied mostly the two diamonds were shocked she never told them about this black diamond

So there is a black diamond said yellow very shocked

Yes yellow but...I thought he disappeared eons ago she murmured under her breath

White who is this black diamond ask Steven

I'm sorry Steven she replied she got up and left the throne room then went straight to her chambers she ignored everyone that called her even Steven

Meanwhile the 4 were left in the room

I can't believe white kept a secret diamond from us said yellow for I don't know how many years she replied

Same here but I think she has a good reason do you think? She asked Steven

That maybe the reason but still we need to figure out who this black diamond is said Steven and I won't leave Homeworld until I have my answers said Steven

So your saying you'll stay in Homeworld? Ask pearl but Steven you have other responsibilities she added

I'm sorry pearl the others can understand but I need to get to the bottom of this he replied

If that's what you want I won't stop you said pearl and smiled

Yellow blue is it ok if I'll be staying here? He asked the two and they replied

It's not a problem at all said yellow

Yellows right just bring your stuff back and spinel will assist Throughout the way  if you need anything just call us she replied

Great I'll go get my items and I'll be back here come on pearl said Steven see you later blue and yellow said Steven

See you said yellow

Bye Steven said blue

After that the two left

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