Chapter 20: Carnation Quartz

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Steven and spinel arrived on earth the two were full of joy before they could exit the house the gems entered the house

Oh hey everyone said Steven

They all looked at him and there faces were filled with joy

Steven ran up to them and they all hugged

Steven it's been a while said garnet petting his hair which Steven giggled

Yeah ste man said amethyst smiling at him

And you've change your clothes said pearl I have to say you look amazing in this pearl commented

Oh thank you said Steven spinel picked this new outfit for me He said positively

They all looked at each other

Spinel? Asked everyone

Hello everyone said spinel they all turn there eyes on her they noticed that her outfit changed

Spinel! Good to see you said garnet coming to her

Thanks said spinel with joy Looking at the fusion

What happened to your old costume? Asked amethyst Whilw coming to her

Well long story short I got poofed said spinel

Everyone widened there eyes

But how?! Asked pearl then she Also came to her

I'll explain everything said Steven

They all sat down and Steven explained everything from black diamond to second Homeworld to poofing everything

I can't believe this information said pearl with a shock faced 

Also Steven stated he held spinels hand and said

Me and spinel are official everyone widened there eyes again

What?! They all yelled amethyst came running to him and conggratualted him

Aw little Steven is now becoming Mr Steven said amethyst

Amethyst stop said Steven embarrassed

As long as your happy I'm happy with it too said garnet congrats Steven

Thank you garnet Steven stated

At first I thought you and Connie would be together but this is a whole new level said pearl congrats to both of you said pearl

Thank you pearl Steven stated back well me and spinel will be going now Because of all the things that have happened we both need a little break he stated

Alright then have fun said pearl

We will! Said spinel she grabbed Stevens hand and they both left the beach house

Finally we got out said Steven where do you wanna go to Nelly? Asked Steven

Well I don't know suprise me she stated

Alright then Steven stated

He carried her and he started running towards the fun fair

I'll show you how I had fun when I was still little he stated

Alright then Stevie

They entered the fun fair and Steven showed her some games that he used to play

Most of the time spinel cheated but the others didn't mind since it was her first time

Steven also led her to one of the rides and for the final part they grab a snack to eat

I'll show you my favorite food back then he stated

Isn't it Cookie cat? She asked

Well that's my favorite desert my favorite snack is fry bits he stated

They both went to a fry stand and Steven bought a mega size for both of them

Then they went to the beach they both sat on the sand and started eating

I never knew this potato thing that you said was very delicious said spinel

Gems don't usually like earth food but I'm glad you like it Nelly he stated

After they ate they both looked at the sunset the two were silent until spinel spoke

I've never had this much fun in 6000 years

Steven looked at her with guilt because of what her mother did to her

She held his hand and stated

Thank you steven this is the most memorable day in my new life for me

Anything for you Nelly he stated back

He grabbed his phone and picked a music

He set his phone on the sand the song playing he stood up and held his hand for her

Do you wanna dance? Asked Steven

Spinel looked at his eyes and responded

But I don't know how she stated

I'll teach you he said smiling

She smiled back and gave her hand to him

Alright then she stated

She got up and Steven started leading the dance while spinel just followed

Your doing it said Steven happily

I am! Said spinel

They continued dancing until the song was at the chorus the two looked at each other's eyes and kissed

Both there gems glowed and they fused without even knowing

The fusion opened there eyes and almost jumped

We fused said the fusion shocked

I know ...this is amazing! Yelled the fusion

What should we call our fusion? The gem asked herself

I don't know ...what about Carnation Quartz said the fusion

That's perfect stevie said the fusion Let's enjoy this moment before we unfused

What ever you said Nelly

The fusion started doing crazy things it started dancing it fused there weapons to see what the outcome will be

Then finally it looked at the night sky full of stars

Carnation sigh and they both unfused

Spinel looked at Steven and smiled

That was amazing! She yelled Steven smiled back and started spinning her around

We should do it again sometime said Steven

I know! She yelled

Steven stopped his music and checked the time

It's getting late let's go back to Homeworld

Right said spinel

Before he could walk spinel carried him

Hey! That's my job he yelled to her

Nope this time it's my turn to cary you said spinel

Alright then said Steven giggling

Spinel position him and started running back to the temple at fast speed until they reached the warp pad

Are you ready to go? Asked spinel

Yeah let's go! He stated

Then the warp pad activated and they both left earth

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