Tattoo - Yoon JiA

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Your P.O.V.

I've always wanted to get a tattoo. My parents are very strict but I somehow managed to convince them that if I got good grades from school, they would let me have one.

Strangely though, I didn't have to get one. Because I mysteriously have tattoos on random parts of my body. I just woke up one day, and saw a small mark of a pencil on my wrist.

"What is that?" Shana asked me while I was fixing my ponytail.

"What is what?" I asked in return.

She pointed to my wrist so I nodded in realization.

"A tattoo." I replied nonchalantly.

"Tattoo?! I thought you weren't allowed to have one yet?" she gasped.

"Yeah. Once I get my grades soon I'll tell it to my parents and get one." I answered.

"But our grades aren't out yet!" she freaked out.

"Chill, I didn't do this. It just... appeared." I shrugged.

"What do you mean? Tattoos don't just appear out of the blue." she knitted her eyebrows and eyed me suspiciously.

"I know. I don't know where this came from. Do you?" I grinned at her.

"Ugh Y/n. Anyway, did your parents see that? Did they get mad at you?" she questioned.

"No. I covered it with this scrunchie." I smiled and pointed at my ponytail.

She nodded and we both focused on our assignments.

Well, to be honest I was quite upset that I already have a tattoo. The main reason why I wanted to have one was because I liked the tattoo artist near our house.

From my window, I would watch her across the street going to her workplace, and then going home. Ever since I saw her, I immediately liked her. She was exactly my type.

"Hey, don't you think that tattoo is there for a reason?" Shana suddenly turned to me.

"Aren't you doing your assignment?" I chuckled.

"I just think it's weird. If it's true that it just appeared out of nowhere, then it must be a sign or something." I could almost crack up at how serious Shana looked right now.

"A sign of what?" I asked, trying not to laugh.

"I don't know. Maybe your soulmate or something?" she thought.

"Shana, you read too much fiction books." I snorted.

"Would you explain what that is then?" she annoyingly responded.

I was laughing at her and she was trying to slap my arm jokingly, until someone poked my side.

"Y/n, do you have an extra pencil?" I looked beside me and saw one of my classmates.

"Oh. I don't. But uh, you can take this, I'm not using it anymore." I uttered, handing her the pencil on my table.

"Really? Thank you!" she beamed and returned to her seat.

I watched her while Shana nudged me with a cough.

"As I was saying~" she teased.

"Shana, she just asked for a pencil." I scoffed.

"Technically yes. But it's a sign! And, you told me before that she was your type too." she explained.

"She is. But that doesn't mean that--"

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