The One Who Can't Be Moved- Joungmin

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Requested by: hyejuluvr

How can I move on, when I'm still in love with you

Your P.O.V.

"Hey, can you pass me that ball?" a guy approached me while I turned my head to look at him.

He pointed at the direction below me so I looked at my feet and saw the ball that he was referring to. So I grabbed it and lightly tossed it to him, who effortlessly caught the ball.

"Thanks." he smiled and gave me a flirtatious wink afterwards.

He was cute and tall, but no thanks. If I wasn't interested in someone else then I could try and give him a chance, but no.

Because the reason I was sitting here in a bench on a basketball court, was not to watch some boys play. I was here to wait for someone whom I have been longing for, someone who I met at this exact same spot a few months ago. Someone who promised me that we would meet again.

"Y/n!" I snapped my head to my right after hearing someone call after me.

"Oh, Sion." I waved while she walked and sat beside me.

"Here, I bought you a drink." she said before handing me a bottle of juice.

"Thanks. Don't you have any practice today?" I asked her.

She shook her head as a response and drank from her bottle.

"How about her? Did you get any news about her?" I asked again.

After gulping down the juice, she looked back at me with a deadpan expression on her face and a sigh.

"Y/n, it's been more than 6 months already. How long are you going to wait for her here everyday as if she's coming back?" she muttered.

"Because she is coming back. She promised me." I replied.

"Look, she didn't even tell you when she's returning. There are many more fish in the sea-- look, that guy's looking at you." she patted my shoulders and made me look in front of us.

As soon as I did, the guy who asked me to give him the ball earlier was looking in our direction. He was dribbling the ball but when I looked at him someone else grabbed it away from his hands.

"Nah, I bet he was looking at you. You're much much more prettier." I scoffed.

"Tch. Yeah sure, you just don't want to give him a chance." she retorted.

"And that too." I laughed.

Sion once again shook her head and clicked her tongue. I just exhaled and looked at the entrance of the court, hoping that after all this time I would still see her walking in.


"Another point for Blue team!" we cheered after the mc announced the score.

I was waving my blue floatie in the air while looking at the ball, which was being dribbled by someone from our team.

"God, where is that girl? The game is already halfway and she's still not here." Sion wondered while glancing around.

"Who?" I asked.

"The friend I told you about, the one who's visiting here." she answered.

I nodded my head and looked back at the game. But just when I landed my eyes on where the ball was, it was already heading towards me in a very fast speed.

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