Voice - Jeong Jiyoon

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Requested by: Yejiismywife

Your P.O.V.

I was walking down the halls of our school, wondering where my friend went to all of a sudden.

"Goddammit, why did she leave me here..." I grumbled to myself.

It was past 5:30 and the skies were getting dark, so I was starting to worry because I might get lost in this huge campus or I might be scared walking on my way home.

She's a member of the dance club, so they always stay late here. I never usually wait for her because I'm afraid of the dark but this time, she told me to wait because she had something to say.

I wasn't lost. But right now I was in the 3rd floor of the building, where students talked about having lots of ghosts here. So I definitely had to muster up a lot of courage to roam these halls with the dim light.

I mean, if this was where the clubs were located why would they not provide enough lights? This is dumb...

I was keeping myself busy in my thoughts, cursing as to distract myself from the fear of any unexpected presence.

Until I heard a voice. At first, I felt my heartbeat fasten its pace because it sounded out of nowhere, but as soon as I got closer and heard it more clearly, I got mesmerized.

It obviously wasn't a ghost. Because if it was, then maybe I was starting to get hypnotized like a sailor who heard a siren's voice.

Step by step, I walked closer to the room where the sound was coming from. Its light was bright enough to lighten up the hallway, and it was wide enough to let the voice echo around.

I tried to peek at the window, but it was covered with a curtain from the inside. So I gulped and slowly moved to the door.

I felt like I was in a movie. One where the character starts discovering the person who she was meant to be with, or at least that was what I wanted to think. So I held the doorknob, and breathed deeply to prepare myself to go inside.



I shrieked as I felt cold hands on my shoulder and a surprising presence behind me.

"JIWON! You scared the sh*t out of me!" I groaned while she laughed out loud.

"What were you doing anyways?" she asked before looking at the room where I was supposed to go into.

"Huh? Uh, nothing. I was looking for you." I scratched my nape and furrowed my eyebrows.

"But the dance club is over there, at the end of the hall." she stated and pointed somewhere.

Well, of course I knew that. But let's pretend that I didn't.

"Really? Sorry, I got lost." I smiled sheepishly before she shook her head and clicked her tongue.

"Come on then, before someone from the room thinks we're stalking them." she chuckled while looking inside again.

I took one last glance at the door before getting dragged by Jiwon to the other end of the hall.

Well, it's a shame that I had to lose the chance to meet the person behind that beautiful voice, but I'm sure that we'll meet again. This school may be big, but it's a small world after all.

"So, do any of you know the answer?" our teacher asked.

It was recitation, the moment that I dreaded the most. A surprise recitation.

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