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"Sofia Gilbert, get your ass down these stairs right now before I drag you!" Aunt Jenna yells as I climb back into my window. "Coming!" I yell back as I walk to my mirror to make sure there wasn't any blood on my lips. This morning's victim was feisty. I should have known that the buck isn't really that easy to force down. My reflection stares back and I force a smile. "Hi, I'm Sofia." I practice like an idiot. "Last warning!" 

I run quickly down the stairs and greet her with a kiss on the cheek. "Morning." I mess up Jeremy's hair. He pushes me away but smiles. That gets me smiling. "Oh, look at Sofia. Extra chipper this morning." Elena points out as she comes down the stairs. Elena and I are in a rough spot right now. "Toast. I can make toast." Jenna says, all of the sudden rushing around. "It's all about the coffee, Aunt Jenna," I assure her as I pour myself a cup. "Is there coffee?" Jeremy comes around the island and takes my cup. "Your first day of school and I'm totally unprepared. Lunch money?"

I shake my head and steal my cup back from Jeremy and start walking out the door. "You want a ride with me and Bonnie?" Elena asks before I step out. I just shake my head and just walk out. "Is she okay?" I hear Aunt Jenna ask Elena but I ignore it. Elena wouldn't know how I was feeling if it hit her in the face. I walk straight to the grill and see Vicki just sitting there. "Trouble!" I yell. Her head snaps up and she smiles. "Double Trouble!"

Jeremy gave us these nicknames one time when we were smoking together and they just stuck. Vicki is my best friend, I tell her basically everything. Elena doesn't like it very much but that doesn't bother me. I sit on the barstool next to Vicki and smile at the bartender with the biggest smile I can muster. He glares at me but pours me a bourbon. "Thank you." I clink to his imaginary glass. When he goes in the back I slide Vicki my drink. "The first day of school," I explain when she gives me an incredulous look. Matt wants me to be a good role model for Vicki but I think it's overkill.

I order a bourbon for myself this time and drown it in seconds and then leave. "Wait! You're leaving already?" Vic follows me out of the grill. I nod my head and tell her that she can come with me. "Thanks. I keep trying to get away from him but he keeps hounding me. He's always asking me about Elena like dude just go talk to her." She shakes her head in annoyance and I don't blame her. It was his own insecurity that ended the relationship. "It'll blow over." I try to assure myself rather than her. Elena is hellbent on everything going back to the way it was before they got together but I doubt it will. I will admit that it sucks watching Matt sulk and suffer.

After that conversation, we walk to school in silence and once we get there we go our separate ways. "Sofia!" I hear the one and only Caroline Forbes call for me when I get to my locker. I met her a little after the accident when I first showed up at Elena's doorstep. She couldn't believe the resemblance between Elena and me. To be honest, neither could I. But our relationship is complicated. Elena's friends aren't mine. I can't stand their perkiness.

"Caroline!" I exclaim to be nice. I can't just ignore her. She fast walks over to me with a smile that envelops her whole face. "Ugh, how are you?" She envelops me in a hug and I reluctantly return it. "I'm okay, Care. I promise." She finally let's go and I fake smile at her fake concern. The only reason Caroline is nice to me is because she feels bad for me. "Oh, we got to go find your sister. I heard they almost crashed this morning." Caroline grabs my hand and starts dragging me over to Elena. "Elena. Oh, my god." She hugs her as she did to me. Elena gives me a small smile to me before releasing Caroline.

"How are you? Oh, it's so good to see you. How is she? Is she good?" Caroline overlooks Elena and asks Bonnie like Elena wasn't standing there. "Caroline, I'm right here. And I'm fine. Thank you." Elena answers just as she practiced to herself this morning. I wouldn't use a shitty line from a script, I would actually answer honestly. I would just be glad that someone cares. I mean, yeah. I love my sister and accept her friends but they're unbelievable sometimes.

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