162 Candles

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I lay on my bed at the Salvatore boardinghouse drinking tequila. What's the point of doing anything different? I'm dead. My best friend is dead and the guy who killed her might as well be dead too. "You should really go take a shower. You reek." Damon says from my doorway.

"Probably but I don't want to move." I take another swig. He walks over to me and takes the bottle from me. "I wasn't done with that." My hand falls on the bed. "Yes, you were. Get up." Damon demands. "Just leave me alone." I roll my eyes at him. "Get in the shower now or I will make you." He proceeds to boss me around. I ignore his feeble attempts to get me out of bed. 

"Fine. We'll do this the hard way." He picks me up and carries me to the bathroom. "Damon!" 

"I'm not going to watch you sit and sulk. We have an eventful day planned." Damon takes off my shirt. "We don't have anything planned. I didn't sign up for whatever it is." I emphasize the 'we'. "You're going to love this. Now. Are you going to get in the shower yourself or shall I continue?" He grabs the belt loop on my pants and pulls me to him. I smack his hand away. "Wonderful." He smirks and closes the door to the bathroom. I roll my eyes but turn on the shower anyway. I'm starting to smell my own stink.

"Much better." Damon is sitting on my bed when I get out. "Thanks for making me get up. I probably would've drunk myself to death if you didn't." 

"No problem. Here." He throws me some of my clothes but stays on the bed. "Get out." I point at the door. "What are we twelve?" He furrows his eyebrows. "Out." I open the door for him. "Fine." He walks up to me but doesn't leave. "Damon." I tilt my head to the side and frown in a warning. He swoops his head down and bites my earlobe. I laugh and push him out the door.

I'm heading down the stairs when I hear voices coming from Stefan's room. It's Damon and a girl. I vamp speed into the room out of curiosity. A blonde girl is gripping Damon by his throat. I pull her off and throw her across the room. She gets up defensively and then she looks as if she had just seen a ghost. "No. It can't be. Katherine?" She asks in disbelief. "I'm Sofia. How did you know my sister?" I question in suspicion. "I didn't and I sure as hell didn't know she has a twin."

"Sofia, this is Lexi Branson. Stefan's best friend." Damon speaks up and looks at me with a look. Stefan's best friend, huh. She's as good as dead. "Hello, Lexi. It's a pleasure to meet you." I hold my hand out for her to shake and she takes it reluctantly. I smile at her and then at Damon. He smirks back. Lexi nods at us and then walks out. 

I open my mouth to say something but Damon puts his finger to his lips. He pulls me back into my bathroom and turns on the sink. "You do know I'm going to kill her right?" I ask him rhetorically. "I'm counting on it. The super-secret-vampire-hunting-council is getting antsy. They know that it's a vampire killing people and I'm taking advantage of that. They want a dead vampire, dead vampire we shall deliver. When you kill Lexi, it'll put you in the clear too."

"You're a damn genius, Damon," I tell him. "Oh, I know." He smiles at me. "Don't all cocky on me," I smile back. 


Damon compelled Caroline to throw a party at the grill for Stefan's birthday. It's perfect. He also mentioned that he told her to get that ugly crystal from Bonnie. I can't believe that he's still hellbent on opening the tomb for Katherine. And I can't believe that I haven't worked up the courage to tell him.

I walk around the grill looking for him but he's nowhere to be found. I settle for playing pool with Stefan and Lexi. "I sense some tension between the two of you," Lexi says as she hits the cue ball. "No tension." Stefan shrugs his shoulders. This is the perfect time to mess with him. He did kill Vicki.

"Oh, you don't have to sugarcoat anything, Stefan. We were going to get married back in the day. Now, he likes Elena. I'm sure you've seen her." I tell Lexi in spite of Stefan. Lexi stops shooting a ball and looks at me wide-eyed. She slowly turns to Stefan. "What is she talking about? Married? How could you not tell me?" 

"I didn't know until like a month ago myself. It's not a big deal. That Stefan is dead." He explains to Lexi but he looks at me while saying it. And then he smirks and I want to kill Lexi right here, right now but decide against it. "Yeah, that Stefan died a horribly tragic death, laying next to the girl he loved as he took his last breath. Must've been so hard." I stare him down with a deadly look on my face. His smirk fades and he looks down at the pool table. I hit a nerve.

I walk away from both of them, I need a drink anyways. I take a shot that's sitting on the bar and down it. Damon walks up beside me. "Step one is done. The plan is in motion. Are you ready for this?" An image of Vicki's face as she died flashes in my mind. "I'm so ready."

Lexi walks up to us as I order a shot. She orders two and slides one to Damon. "All right, the shot is a bribe. I need you to answer a question. What are you two really doing in Mystic Falls?" She asks the both of us. I roll my eyes and chuckle. "I missed my little hometown," I answer sarcastically. "Cut the crap."

"Okay, we have a diabolical master plan," Damon speaks up and I giggle. "What is it?" Lexi asks him but I want to answer this one. "If we told you it wouldn't be very diabolical, now would it?" I ask her, not expecting a response. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Sheriff Forbes walking in with the girl Damon compelled to say Lexi killed her boyfriend. Step two is in motion. 

Sheriff Forbes comes behind Lexi and injects her with vervain. They escort her out of the grill. I look around to find Stefan and see that he's already aware of what's going on. And then I see Elena standing next to him. Sorry, Ellie. I'm in a vengeful mood. 

I human speed walk out of the bar. Time for step three. Damon and Sheriff Forbes are struggling to take Lexi down. Well, Damon is pretending. I take the stake from out of my jacket pocket and run over there. "Oh my gosh! Liz!" I fake exclaim and she turns Lexi around so that her heart is facing my way. I shove the wood so far in her chest that it pokes out of her back. Lexi's body turns gray and the veins start creeping their way up. "Why?" She mutters. "An eye for an eye," I say so that only she can hear.

As soon as her body falls to the ground, I turn to Damon and the Sheriff. "Are you guys okay? That vampire was really strong." 

They nod their heads and then Liz orders her officers to take Lexi's body to the car. "I will admit, I am surprised Sofia. You were pretty handy with that stake." She says to me. "It was adrenaline. I couldn't stand the sight of either one of you in danger." I tell her desperately. 

Eventually, we get back home and prepare for Stefan's wrath. "And I thought he was going to be mad when I killed Zach." I joke with Damon. "Yeah, you really did it this time. He's going to hate you." Damon pours us a drink. Not an alcoholic one either. I shrug my shoulders. "I don't really care."

"Don't do that. Don't act like you've turned it off." Damon hands me the drink. I drink it all in one gulp. "I'm not acting like anything. I don't care that Stefan hates me." I cross my arms in front of me. "Fine. What about Elena? She saw the whole damn thing." 

"No." I shake my head and set the glass down. I vamp speed home and knock on her door. She opens it slowly.

"I hate you." Elena spits at me and then slams the door in my face.

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