Unpleasantville Part One

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"You are such a liar, Sofia. I was able to forgive the fact that you never told me you were a vampire but this... this is unforgivable. Pack your shit up and move out of this house. I don't want you around Jenna or Jeremy." Elena says to me. She's turned around, unable to face me. Stefan told Elena that she was adopted and that I wasn't her sister. Just Katherine's. This is twice that Stefan has told Elena things that need to come from my mouth.

"Elena, I was going to tell you but I didn't know how. You don't think I was surprised when I got my memories back? And, what's the plan? You and I both know that having me here would be safer with another set of fangs out there. But, it's whatever. I'll just move back in with the neighborhood lover, Stefan. Maybe he'll enjoy my company now since he's on my bad side." I insult and wait for the questions. I know Stefan didn't tell her about our little arrangement in 1864.

"Are you implying that Stefan is with someone else?" Elena whips around with her arms crossed. "No, but since Stefan's telling all my secrets, I guess I should too. Let's put everything out on the table. Stefan and I were in love. The kind of love that melts your heart. And we were supposed to get married. The picture you found of Katherine was supposed to be me but my sister was always quite the jealous type. She compelled Stefan but I'm sure you've already heard that part of the story. There's a lot you don't know, Elena."

Her mouth is open but nothing comes out. "I'm sorry it had to come out like this, I am, but Stefan should've told you everything when he decided to expose me. Next time, maybe he will. Anyway, you're going to have to come up with a damn good lie to tell Jenna and Jeremy when they find out I'm gone."

I roll my eyes at her and walk out. Guess I'm going home.


"Stefan. Come out wherever you are." I act like were playing hide and seek. Stefan steps out on the top of the stairs. I run at him but he moves. I turn toward him slowly. Fine, we can play this game.

"The cats out of the bag." I smile wickedly. He looks away from me, he already knows what I'm talking about. "She needed to hear that from me."

"And she needed to hear that I'm not her sister from me. Call us even." I walk into my room. "We're never going to even, Sofia. This war we have isn't going to stop until we call a truce. So... truce?" He follows me. I flop down on my bed and pat the space next to me for Stefan. He doesn't sit down. "Sit or no truce."

He sits down on the bed but far from me. I scoot over and grab his hand. I can tell he's uncomfortable but he doesn't pull away. "You hurt my feelings, Stefan," I inform him. "She had to know." He refers to Elena and him telling her about me not being her sister. "No, Stefan. I'm talking about when you took my hand and put it on your face like this." I move my hand and put it on his face. He sits there completely still.

"Do you remember the day you died? They vervained me. I was laying on the ground and you were holding me telling me that you loved me and that I was going to be Sofia Salvatore." I pause to smile at the memory. He's still not moving. "Your father said something about me using you and I placed my hand on your face just like this and told you that I loved you." I continue. "And then you got shot and died. The guy who wanted me to have his last name died and I might as well have died too because I was never the same." I take my hand off of his face. He slowly turns towards me. "Sofia, when I look at you I see Katherine."

I grab him by the collar and push him against the wall. "And what do you see when you look at Elena?" I whisper as I get closer. If I take a step farther, we'll be chest to chest. He looks down at me and I look up at him. "I see you."

He cradles my face with his hands and I lean into them. He then tilts my face up and says, "But that has to change. I love Elena, not you."

My heart drops into my stomach. Of course, it's Elena. It's always going to be Elena.

I can't control it anymore. I rip my teeth into Stefan's neck and feed off of him. He tries to push me off of him but my grip is firm. Blood trickles down my chin and down his neck. "You're going to kill me," Stefan mutters from underneath me. 

I release him and he falls onto the floor. He puts his hand to his neck and holds it there. "Be careful, Stefan. I'm a bipolar vampire. Wouldn't want to get on my bad side." I tell him and then throw him out of my room. I have a dance to get ready for.

I place my hands in the vanity and look at myself in the mirror. My hair is curled and in a perfect ponytail. And there is blood all over me.

I wipe my chin with the back of my hand but I only smear it. I can't deny that I look like a monster. 

There is a soft knock on my door. I open it to reveal a concerned Damon. He pushed through me and takes a seat on my bed. "First, what- who- is on your face?"

"Don't worry about it. What do you want?" I grab a towel out of my bathroom and get all the blood off my face this time. "Some vampire has been threatening Elena. I need your help to kill him." He tells me. Well, don't hesitate to ask.

"One, if I hear the name Elena one more time, I might rip her head off. Two, get someone else to help you. I have something to do." I throw the red-stained towel in a bin. Damon looks at me funny. "Are we keeping secrets now?"

"It's none of your business Damon so leave it. Now, get out." I grab his arm and lead him out of my room. "By the way, I heard you and Stefan's little conversation. I'm a little disappointed that you kept your secret from me." Damon genuinely looks offended. "Didn't come up. See you now." I close the door on him. I can't have Damon around to interfere with my plans.

After all, Katherine would run far far away if Damon was anywhere near her and I can't have that.

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