The Turning Point

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I hold my breath as I stand at Damon's door. I don't know why I'm here but I am.

I open it and see him rummaging through his clothes and a suitcase. "What are you doing?" I cross my arms in front of my chest.

"I'm leaving." He doesn't look up at me. "No, you're not," I demand. He goes to put something in his suitcase and I step in his way. "You are not leaving me," I repeat. He walks around me and refuses to respond. "Damon Salvatore, look at me." My throat gets thick and my eyes start blurring. He looks at me but doesn't say anything. "Did I do this? Are you leaving because of me?" I ask. A tear slips down my cheek and onto my shirt.

"No. I'm leaving because there is nothing here for me anymore. Emily destroyed the crystal that would help me get Katherine out of the tomb." He closes his suitcase. "You have me." My voice comes out in barely a whisper. "I know, but I don't deserve you. I never did. And still, you've stuck by my side through everything. I'm not putting you through this anymore."

"What are you talking about "putting you through this"? My decisions are mine alone." I furrow my brows as I quote him. "Just let it go, Sofia. It might be best for you." He rolls his eyes at me. "Let it go or let you go? You are not walking out on me, I won't let you. I already lost you once and I refuse to go through that again." I step towards him and look directly into his eyes. "I can't lose you."

"I don't want to leave you but I don't want to stay in Mystic Falls. This town is the root of all my problems."

I take a step away from him this time. "You really want to leave? Fine. Obviously, I can't keep you here." I wave my hands dismissively and walk away. Before I can get out the door, he grabs my hand and pulls me into his chest. I melt into him and sob. "Nothing was right until you found me. I was living a lie. You gave me back my life and now you want to walk out of it?"

He doesn't answer so I continue. "What are you going to tell everyone else or were you planning on letting me do all that for you while you're sipping Kaylee in Rome? How can you be so selfish? I wasn't good enough for you? You needed Katherine like you needed air? I thought we were closer than that." My anger fades as I speak. I pull myself away from him and wipe under my eyes. "Goodbye then. Don't think about coming back."

This time he doesn't stop me from leaving.


I mope my way up to Elena's bedroom. I knock and wait for a beat for her to open the door and to my surprise she does. Her face is tear-stained just like mine. She pulls me into a hug and starts crying again. "I told him that I could be with him and he's leaving." She chokes on her tears. I bury my head in her neck. 

"I know. They both are." I swallow hard to prevent myself from crying again. If Damon is going to leave, I can't stop him so there is no reason to try. There's a knock at the bedroom door. Elena and I step away from each other and I open it. "You two are going to be late for school," Jenna says before she sees how terrible we look. "You know what? Take a day off. I'll call and say you're sick." She closes the door. Thank god for Jenna.

"Wait. If we're going to get over this, we have to get things back to normal." I nod at Elena and she nods back hesitantly. "Jenna, we're going," Elena yells down the stairs. "Today, we live a Salvatore free life," I tell her with a half-smile. "Might be nice." She agrees and returns the smile.

I went to all her classes with her to make sure she wouldn't break in half. She has abandonment issues. I'm not judging. I do too.

"Did you know that Logan Fell came to see Jenna the other day? She slammed the door in his face." Elena tells me as we leave school. Go Jenna. "The news guy? What's his business with Jenna?" I ask.

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