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I sat with Stefan in his room. "Well, call her then Stefan. It's your fault she found out about Katherine in the first place." I tell him. Stefan and Elena had a little sleepover and she saw a picture of Katherine. She ran away and now we can't find her. He sighs and pulls out his phone. I hear it ring and then Damon answers. "Elena's phone."

I tilt my head as Stefan asks him a million and one questions. Apparently, she doesn't want to talk to him. "Damon, is she okay?" I ask him. "She's fine and she actually wants to talk to you," Damon says and I know he's enjoying this. I hold my hand out for Stefan's phone. He doesn't hand it over. "She's already mad at you. I wouldn't give her any more reasons." I give him a fake smile. He reluctantly places it in my palm.

"Ellie, where are you?" I worry. "I'm... with Damon. It's a long story. I'll send you the coordinates, just promise me one thing." She starts. "Anything." "Don't bring Stefan. I don't want to see him."

I smile at Stefan. "Got it." I promise and then hang up. I give him back his phone and pull out mine. Bree's bar, great. "You're seriously not going to tell me where she is?" He furrows his brows. "Why would I help you, Stefan? We are in a mutual dislike for each other remember?" I pat his chest. Stefan takes my hand from his chest and puts it on his face. "What are you doing?"

"I'm trying to feel something- anything for you but I can't. All I can think about is how much I want to be with Elena." He explains, releasing my hand. A tear threatens my eye and my throat gets thick. I'm afraid if I open my mouth to say anything, I'll start crying and I know that Stefan won't be as kind as Damon in my moments of weakness. I shake my head at him and walk out. "I'm sorry Sofia, but you know just as well as I do that part of our lives are over. It's time to move on." He follows me out.

I turn around and cross my arms. "You don't think I know that? I am moving on but it's a little hard when life just keeps reminding you how disposable you are. Tell me, Stefan, why did you keep a picture of Katherine? Why didn't you keep a picture of me?" I watch him look at the ground. He doesn't answer.

"Katherine tried to kill me when you proposed to me but I bet you didn't know that, did you?" I continue. I've - we've- been avoiding this conversation since we found out. Love like that doesn't die but I guess it can just disappear considering the facts. "No, I didn't. I'm sorry."

"You're not sorry about anything Stefan! You never were and you never will be! All your feelings for me were irrelevant because you let Katherine weasel her way into the heart that had my name written on it and now, it has Elena's. I don't know about you Stefan, but I would say that history repeats itself. I would also say that Sofia Petrova gets the short end of the stick every time." I yell at him, a stray tear making its way down my face. I vamp speed out of the house. As soon as I'm away from the boarding house, I fall to the ground and just cry.

Why is my life like this? What did I do to deserve this? 

To my surprise, Jenna pulls up next to me in her car. "Sofia, what's wrong?"

I wipe my face and stand up. "Nothing, I'm okay." I lie with a smile. "You don't look okay but we don't have to talk about it. C'mon, get in." She unlocks the car and I hop in the passenger seat. "Have you seen your sister? I'm starting to worry about you guys. I mean, Ric tells me that you're never in class. Jeremy is actually making friends- and with girls. And Elena just disappeared." 

"I have so many things to say to that. First, you and Alaric Saltzman are on a first-name basis. Jeremy has a girlfriend and Elena is... spending the night at Bonnie's." I lie for Elena. Damon better have her home by tomorrow. "Well, I wouldn't say that Anna is his girlfriend. He thinks she's a little weird." Jenna denies with a smile. I knew an Anna, once.

"If Jeremy thinks she's weird, she's weird," I assure her but I think she already knew that.


I walk into Bree's bar but Damon and Elena aren't there. I walk up to the bar and order a shot. The lady slides one across and I down it. "How did you- what the-" She looks at me with wide eyes. "Have you seen my sister? She's with a friend." I ask her politely. She shakes her head to the side forcefully. I give her a smile and walk out. What a creep. 

My smile fades when I hear a commotion. I run towards it, obviously. "He killed my girlfriend. What did she do to you, huh? What did she do to you?!" The guy yells at Damon who is laying on the ground covered in what smells like gas. I look around and see Elena up on a metal thing. I run behind the guy who's hitting Damon with a shovel and bite into his neck. I pick him up by his collar and throw him at the garage door. "If you're going to kill the person who killed Lexi, at least make it the right person." I smile at him humorlessly. He looks up at Elena and then back at me.

He runs at me and throws me on the ground. I lay underneath him and struggle to take the upper hand. Eventually, I flip us over so that I'm on top of him. Maybe I'll kill him, maybe I won't. Stefan did hurt me today.

I snap his neck like a twig and climb off of him. I walk towards Damon and pick him up off the ground. Elena climbs off the structure quickly and supports his other side. Damon goes limp in our arms. "Okay, buddy. Here." I set him down and bite into my wrist. "What are you doing?" Elena asks me with a confused look on her face. "Do you want to offer yourself instead?"

I force my wrist into his mouth and he starts drinking. Elena looks away disgustedly. Oh, Elena.

The color returns to his face and soon enough, he's on his feet. "Thank you."

I nod at him and we walk back to Bree's bar. I get in the car with Elena and Damon goes in to kill Bree, no doubt. "Why do we look like Katherine? Have you seen the pictures? It's scary." She asks me. "I know, Elena. I don't want to talk about it today. Can we just go home?" I look out the window as Damon comes out of the bar looking smug.

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