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"Elena, you're going to have to talk to me," I tell her through the door. She locked me out and I don't really want to explain to Jenna that I kicked it in. "I don't have to do anything. Just leave me alone." She replies harshly. I look down at the ground. I could just threaten someone she loves and she would open the door but I don't need to give her more reasons to hate me right now. "Fine. I'm here when you're ready." I tell her and leave.

I get in my car and drive to the boardinghouse quickly. Stefan and I really need to talk.

The door's unlocked like always. "Stefan, where's my best friend?" I ask the empty house as I walk up the stairs. "I'm right here," Vicki says from behind me and smiles. "Hey, Trouble. How are you doing?" Vicki walks down the stairs to me and gives me a hug. "I feel good. I haven't felt this good, well- my whole life." She lets out a silent laugh. "I'm glad. You must be hungry. C'mon, let's get you some breakfast." I take her hand and lead her down the stairs. Stefan walks in front of our path. "Do you really think that's a good idea?"

"Yes, I do. You don't even care about her Stefan. Let me be here for my best friend." I don't ask him, more like tell him. He pulls out a cup of blood- not human- from behind his back and waves it in Vicki's face. The veins appear from under her eyes. "What is that Stefan? Bambi? Maybe Thumper? Not everyone wants to be a vampire vegetarian." I inform him. "Well, then you should probably know that she attacked Tyler this morning." It's Stefan's turn to inform me. I turn to Vicki. "Is that true?"

"I'm sorry. I am. But I was so hungry, I am so hungry. Can we just go eat?" Vicki corrects herself pleadingly. She is my best friend but I don't really want people hurt and dead. I have to deal with that enough with Damon. I take the animal blood from Stefan and hand it to her. "Here. It's what your craving." And despite the fact that it's not exactly appetizing, she drank it almost immediately. "Don't lie to the girl. Vicki, I say snatch, eat, erase. You need people blood." Damon appears from out of nowhere. "Mind your business, Damon. Besides, don't you have someone else to inflict your immense misery on?" I scowl at him. He winks at me and then goes down the stairs.

"He's irking," I tell Vicki, rolling my eyes. "He loves you though. He wouldn't stop talking about you when he first started with me." She looks me dead in the eyes when she tells me this. "If he loved me, Trouble, he wouldn't have killed you." I reject. And I mean what I said. The doorbell rings. "I'll get it," I tell Stefan and Vicki.

I get down the stairs and see Elena talking to Damon. "I thought you left. Hey, sis." I bump into Damon on purpose. "Don't call me that. Is Stefan here?" The frown on her face is cosmic. "Yes," Damon answers for me, looking complacent. "And do you know where Vicki is? Jeremy is out there searching for her along with the rest of the town and I don't know what to tell him." She advances. "She's upstairs, Ellie. Right this way." I wave my hand for her to follow me. "Don't call me that either." She bumps into me as I did Damon when she walks in. "I'm going to call you that until we can talk about this." I break the news to her. "There's nothing to talk about." Elena pledges and then bolt up the stairs to Stefan.

"It doesn't make any sense. How can she forgive Stefan but not me?" I ask aloud to myself but of course, Damon has to put his input. "Well, it might be because you're her sister. Or at least she thinks you are." He smirks. "Your lips keep moving yet I can't figure out why." I shake my head in annoyance and head back up the stairs to Vicki. 

She has Elena pinned up against the wall by her throat.  "Let's get one thing straight, you perky little bitch. You had my brother whipped for fifteen years. Fifteen years and then you dumped him. When I look at you that is all I see, just so you know. And I'm gonna see Jeremy whenever I wanna see Jeremy, because I have some fun new toys to play with, and I won't think twice about ripping your little head off. You got it?"

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