Unpleasantville Part Two

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I knew that Ben McKittrick was a vampire. I found out when I was at the grill. He's a flirt. Speaking of.

"Let me guess. You want Sex on the Beach." He smiles from the opposite of the bar. "Are you offering?" I tease with a grin. "What can I get you?" He laughs lowly. "Who turned you?" I ask seriously. His face falls. And then he laughs sarcastically. "Why would I tell you?"

I lean in closer to him. "Because if you don't, I will rip that pretty little heart right out of your chest." My finger trails down his chest. His eyes wander my face for any signs of deception. "My girlfriend." He tells me when he doesn't find any. "What's her name?" I proceed.

"Anna Zhu. You might know her. She definitely knows you." He brags. Now I understand. She is trying to get into the tomb for her mother. And how would she be able to help me? Does she know that Katherine's not in there? "Yes, I know her. I've known her for years. Is she getting closer to getting in the tomb?" I ask him and he looks surprised. "Oh, cmon. I'm not stupid."

"I know. And, yes. But if you are looking for Katherine's whereabouts you might want to talk to Noah instead. He's obsessed with Elena just because she looks like... well, you." He informs me. Nice to know. I remember Noah. He was in love with Katherine. Typical boys.

"Thanks, Benny Boo. I owe you." I kiss him on the cheek and leave the grill. Now all I need to do is find Noah. As if on cue, my phone rings. The caller I.D. reads Stefan Salvatore. "You've reached the I-Don't-Give-A-Shit-Hotline. Now fuck off." I don't hang up immediately. I want to listen to him beg. "Sofia, we need you. The guy who's been trying to kill Elena is here. I thought you were going to be here anyway."

"Give me a good reason why I should help you. It would be so much more fun if I let her die and you suffer." I insure. "Because you care about her." He sounds so sure of himself. "Actually, I stopped caring when she kicked me out. But, I'll be there. I'll do it for you. Bye now." I giggle at myself and hang up. I lied to him. I'm doing it for myself but it's just so fun messing with him. 

I get to the 50's dance fast. And all I can think about as I weave my way through the crowd is Halloween. When Trouble died. 

"Hey, this way." Damon grabs my arm and pulls me down hallways until we get to a room that has Elena, Stefan, and Noah in it. Damon picks up a stake off the ground. "Nobody wants to kill you. We just wanna talk." 

Noah smiles and runs towards Elena. Damon throws the stake to Stefan, who grabs it and stakes Noah in the stomach. "Now you feel like talking?"

I walk up to Noah and rip the stake out of him. I throw it on the floor showing him that I won't kill him. I can't have him die. Not when he can lead me to Katherine. "Hello, Sofia. I've missed you." He smiles at me. I roll my eyes. "You don't miss me, you miss my sister." I throw a glance at Elena who flares her nostrils in response. Fine.

I lean down to Noah's ear and whisper, "The grill at nine.", so low that not even Damon and Stefan can hear me. I pull away slowly to give him the opportunity to run. He runs toward the door but Damon catches him by the sleeve. He hovers the stake over Noah's heart. I slip in between them and it goes through my back when Damon swings it. Noah looks at me gratefully and then disappears.

"What are you doing?" Stefan demands. "How could you? Do you want him to kill me?" Elena asks with her arms crossed. Damon just glares at me. It's fine because I don't need any of them because when I get my sister back, this town will rain blood. I stand there and look between the three. "What?"

"He's threatening your family, Sofia. He's threatening you. How could you just let him go like that?" Damon speaks up. "Oh, please. You're not worried about me, you're worried about her." I scoff at him. He glances at Elena but looks away quickly. "And you're not worried about Stefan?" Damon snaps back at me. Huh. It's my turn to glance at Stefan. Elena looks back and forth between the two of us and I roll my eyes. 

I bet he didn't tell her about our little talk.


I walk into the bar and spot Noah immediately. He's facing the door obviously waiting for my arrival. How desperate. "You look, beautiful Ms. Petrova." He uses the line that got himself obsessed with Katherine in the first place. "Cut the shit. Do you know where my sister is?" I ignore his attempt at making me like him.

"In the tomb but I know what can get her out.." He leads on like he wants something in return. Great. He's of no use to me. "Thank you for all your help. Really." I lay my hand on his shoulder. Then I take my hand and plunge it into his chest. He looks up at me with wide eyes. "Please, don't. I can help you."

"On the contrary, you can't. You are as useless as your obsession with my sister." I rip his heart out of his chest. His body turns grey and he slumps onto me. I look around the grill and luckily no one is looking my way. "Ben," I call to him. I know he's working because he seriously doesn't have anything better to do. He walks out from the back and looks at Noah with his brows furrowed. "Would you do me a favor and take care of this."

"You owe me, Sof. You owe me big. And I know the perfect thing you can do." Ben smiles and I get worried. This can't be good. "You have a deal, but right now I have somewhere to be." I push Noah off me and wipe my hands off. I look down at his heart lying on the floor and shrug my shoulders.

I get home quickly and as soon as I'm through the door I'm pushed up against the wall. "Hello to you too Stefan." I shove him off of me. "What is wrong with you, huh? What's your big plan?" 

"A, don't touch me. B, none of your business. C, Relax. I killed him. Your precious Elena is safe and sound." I mock. "Why did you let him go in the first place? We had him." Stefan asks. I pour myself a drink and think of a lie. "He had the information I needed. That you needed." I take a step closer to him. "What information?" 

"How to open the tomb," I say simply, taking a drink. I know he'll ask questions. "And how do you do that?" He crosses his arms. "Oh, Stef. That's something you'll have to earn." I smile at him and then start to walk away slowly. "Wait." My smile gets even bigger considering I knew he would stop me. "What do you want?"

"It's quite simple actually though I'm sure-" "What is it?" He interrupts me. 

"Tell me you love me."

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