Miss Mystic Falls

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I wanted to look for Stefan yesterday but I decided against it. If he wanted to be with me at the moment then he wouldn't have left. I feel so bad. And scared too. What Stefan and I did was wrong. It shouldn't have happened but I can't lie and say I didn't like being with him again. My hand floats to my lips without my knowledge.

"Hello. Sofia." Damon snaps his fingers in my face and I blink back into reality. I look around the room at the council members and smile at them in hopes to cover up my daze. "I'm so sorry. What were we talking about?"

"There was a disturbance at the hospital blood bank last night; some of the supply was compromised." Sheriff Forbes tells me and I frown. "Compromised? You mean stolen?" I ask her incredulously. Who would've been so stupid to rob a hospital? "Yeah, Sof. Maybe a vampire who thinks they have it under control took it." Damon glares daggers at me and I roll my eyes at his reference. I don't think Stefan did this. He couldn't have. 

"We almost missed it. The inventory records were altered but when the night manager was questioned he had no recollection of changing them." Sheriff Forbes continues and stupid Uncle John takes that as a hint to talk. "Meaning that the vampire who stole the blood used mind control to hide the theft." He clarifies for no reason at all. Who in the hell thought it was a good idea to put him on the council? "I know what you meant." I sneer at him. Uncle John is the last person the council needs. I catch a glimpse of the big blue jewel on his ring that protects him from supernatural death and shrug. Maybe not.

"We wouldn't have noticed had John not alerted us to recent discrepancies in other hospital blood banks in the county." Damon informs me and I glare at John when no one is looking. He just turns his lips up smugly and I clench my fist at the thought of wiping that shit off his face. Keep it together Sofia. You can't break character. "Yes, we are just so lucky we have John or this would've flown right over our heads." I smirk back at him.

"We're stepping up security at the hospital, giving the guard vervain to prevent this from happening again." Sheriff Forbes keeps talking, obviously tired of our childish banters. "Sheriff, may I offer a suggestion? Why don't Damon and Sofia and I put our heads together? We can track down whoever is doing this." John opens his mouth again to sputter his meaningless words. At first, I ignore what he said until Damon raises his brows at me. "Do you want to team up with your Uncle John?"

"Are you seriously asking me that right now? I hate the guy. Everybody hates the guy." I explain to Damon's small mind. Damon doesn't answer but Liz does. "Truthfully I can use the extra hands. Is that something you would be willing to do?"

I let out a short breath and muster up a small smile. "Well, of course, I mean if it'll help." I tell her and then immediately regret it. I can't believe I'm doing this. "I think we could make a good team, don't you think Damon?" John moves his gleaming teeth from me to Damon and we both roll our eyes. How can a person his age be so immature? Lately, I've been finding myself questioning everything. "John, whatever I can do to help keep this town safe; even if it means spending time with you." 

I can't listen to this anymore. I walk out of the Lockwood Mansion in a hurry. I'm desperate to get away from all that nonsense. I'm barely out the door when I'm thrown into a tree at vamp speed. I get back on my feet promptly, ready for a fight against whoever the hell is stupid enough to challenge me. I relax when I see who it is.

"You are ignoring me and it's making me angry." Katherine tells me with her arms crossed. "Kat, you need a therapist. When someone is ignoring you, you're supposed to take a hint." I cross my arms like her and it almost looks like I'm standing in front of a mirror. She clenches her jaw and I take that as an opportunity to leave.

"I saw you and Stefan." She speaks up when I'm a couple of feet away. I whip around. "I am only going to say this once so open up the tunnel to your ears and brain. Stay the hell out of my business."

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