You're Undead to Me

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I woke up in the cell in the basement next to Damon. He's still unconscious. "Stefan Antonio Salvatore, let me out of this jail cell right now!" I yell loud enough to where I know he can hear me. He comes down the stairs cool and collected like nothing bad will ever happen again. "I told you I would take you down if I had to." He smirks and I'm angry at first but I force myself to calm down.

"But you didn't Stefan. I'm stronger than you. And I promise you that when I get out of here, I am going to hurt you so bad that you'll wish for death." My hands grip the bars so hard that my knuckles turn white. Behind me, Damon starts waking up. He looks at his hand and then at Stefan. "Where is my ring?" He groans out.

I look around my wrist. "Where's my bracelet, Stefan?"

"You won't be needing them anymore." The look on his face is smug and I just want to wipe it right off. "What's your plan? Are you just going to leave us down here until we mummify? My sister will come looking for me and when she does, I will snap her neck right in half just to get back at you." I spit and a look of concern crosses his face but is gone in an instant. "You'll grow weaker and weaker. Eventually, you won't be able to move or speak. In a week your skin will desiccate, and you'll mummify. A living corpse. Unable to hurt anyone. Ever." He smiles again.

My hand shoots out, grasping for his throat but he moves back. "I've injected you with enough vervain to keep you weak. Once your circulation stops, I'll move you to the family crypt, and then in 50 years, we can reevaluate." 

"There's two of us, Stefan. One of you. Think about the odds." I go sit next to Damon. "I'm sorry. Didn't have to be this way." Stefan walks away. "Stefan! Stefan please!" 

"Oh, it's not so bad. We'll have a party." Damon mumbles. "Damon. You can barely move." I inform him as if he didn't already know. I bite into my wrist and hold it out to him. "So sensual." He smirks. "Do you want to get out of here or not? Drink." I put my wrist closer to his face and he shakes his head. "This isn't the time to play tough- what are you doing?" 

He moves my hair to the side and pulls my neck closer to his lips. "Damon?" I question in a whisper. "Shhh. Bigger artery." He explains. I tilt my neck farther to the side as he digs his fangs into my skin. It doesn't hurt at all. I can feel the blood rush up and out as he sucks on my neck. And then he releases me and the wound closes.

The color has returned to his face and he stands up in seconds. "Shall we?" He holds his hand out for me to take it. He pulls me up to my feet and kicks down the door. Zach comes running down the stairs. And then he runs back up. "Aw, Zachy. I thought we were bonding." I run after him along with Damon. He tries to run outside for the sunlight but Damon pushes him up against the wall before he can open the door.

"I'm so-sorr-sorry." Zach chokes out. I put my finger to his lips. "I know you are. And if you weren't on vervain, I would rip you to pieces and put your lifeless body back together. Lucky for you, I know better." I whisper in his ear and then I snap his neck. 

"Brutal. Stefan's going to be really mad at you for that one." Damon approves of my dramatic killing. "Yeah? Well, Stefan shouldn't have locked me in a cell." I shrug my shoulders.

"You're really different. The Sofia I knew wouldn't hurt a fly." He takes a seat on the couch. "Yeah, well the Sofia you knew was soft. I refuse to be like that again." I stare at the fireplace. Damon walks up next to me and starts rubbing my shoulder. "You weren't soft. You just cared." He denies it slowly. I turn to face him. "I was soft. Now I'm just full of anger. I'm so angry." I slide down the wall and bury my face in my hands.

"I've been doing my best to just ignore everything but someway it works its way back in. It's so hard not to just turn it all off. I'm trying so hard." A tear escapes my eyes and I wipe it away quickly. I don't want Damon to see me cry.

"Do it." He says without hesitation. I tilt my head up to look at him. "I can't turn off my humanity, Damon. As much as I want to, I can't." I shake my head. "Why not? What's keeping your humanity on? That's the real question." 

I know what it is but I refuse to tell him. "I don't know." I lie. Not only to Damon but to myself. "Sure you do." He turns his back on me. "No, I don't." I deny and get up to pour me a drink. Screw that. I drink the whole bottle. 

I pull my phone and give Stefan a call to avoid having this conversation with Damon. "How did you get out?" I can hear the worry in his voice. "Blood is much thicker than vervain, Stefan. I would tell you to ask Zach but he's in a deep slumber. Where's my bracelet?" I get tired of the chit chat. "Did you kill Zach? Or did Damon? Were you proving yourself to him or was it vise versa?" He doesn't sound worried or sad. Only defensive. "My bracelet Stefan. It's almost night and the first place I'm heading is home, to see your girlfriend." I threaten Elena for the thousandth time.

"It's in your room, under your pillow." He admits but I don't trust it. "Ha, almost got me. Where's my bracelet and where's Damon's ring?" I ask again, this time with more fire than before. "Zach hid them. You probably shouldn't have killed him."

"Stefan, give them back or we will make this town rain blood. I'm not threatening. I'm promising." I vow.

"I'll get them, but you can't hurt anyone in the meantime. I'm not negotiating." His voice is serious and not budging. I hang up in agreeance.

"You heard him, don't hurt anyone." I look outside and the sun is almost down. "It's Stefan. Isn't it?" He says. I walk closer to the front of the door. "What are you talking about?" I don't bother to look at him. "Stefan is the reason you won't turn it off." He clarifies.

"No, he's not." I deny. He pushes me up against the front door. "Don't lie to me, Sofia."

"I'm not lying to you. I won't turn it off because I don't want to get killed." I push him off of me and run out the door. I run for a while, not stopping. I don't stop until I get home.

I stand on the porch, thinking about life. My life since June 5th, 1473. Everything that makes me who I am.

"Good, you're here. I need you to come with me." Elena rushes out the front door, pulling me to her car. I can never get a break. "What's wrong?" I hop in the passenger's seat. "There's something that is making me crazy and honestly it's going to make me sound crazy." She fumbles with the keys and finally gets them in the ignition.

"Well, I believe in all the crazy. Spill." I tell her even though I'm pretty sure I already know. "Promise you won't laugh?" 

I shake my head back and forth. "I think Stefan is a vampire."

"A vampire Elena? Have you been watching Twilight?" I narrow my eyes at her with a hint of hilarity. "You said you wouldn't laugh!" She throws her hands up. "Fine, I'm not laughing."

"He doesn't get old. He doesn't get hurt. His eyes change. Not to mention, the bodies drained of blood." She sighs and rubs her eyes. I get it. It can be a lot to take in at once.

"So we're going to go confront him?" I ask bewildered. This won't end well. Not for Elena, but for me.

She pulls into their driveway and she hurries getting to the front door. Before she can even knock, Stefan opens the door.

"What are you?" Elena's eyes are wide as soon as she sees him.

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