Founder's Day Part Two

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I stood on the sidelines while everyone danced the night away. Stefan looked at Elena lovingly and Damon looked at them jealously. I held in the urge to barf. Yes, I am happy for them but also, when am I going to be appreciated like that? Sure, Stefan does look at me like that once in a while but I'm sure it's because he sees Elena when he looks at me. I'm not normally an envious person. 

I drain the rest of my champagne and slip out into the night. A very familiar face walks next to me during my pity walk and I roll my eyes. I can't get away from her. "Something's going down tonight. You should go home." Katherine says to me and I roll my eyes again. "Nothing is going down."

Seriously, does she think I'm incompetent? She's just trying to ruin my night, not that it's not already in the dumps. "I'm not going to explain, if you don't trust me then talk to your friend Anna." She parts from me quickly. I huff and head back into the party.  I don't have to do too much searching for her, she just appears in front of me as if she knew I was looking for her. "I need to tell you something." She takes my hand and drags me into the bathroom. 

"If Katherine put you up to this, I don't want to hear this shit. At this point, I just want to go home and take a warm bath." I tell her. "What? No. I did something really bad and I feel... really bad."

I give her a questioning look. "I gave Jeremy my blood."

It takes a second for what she said to settle in. "You what? How could you... What the hell? Are you out of your... Anna... you know he can't be. Oh my god." My words come out but most of them aren't even full sentences. I put my hand to my head and start pacing nervously. Will Jeremy be so damn stupid to try and turn himself? Katherine made me turn and I hate everything I am. Can he not just look at the vampires surrounding him and see that it's not worth it?

"I'm sorry. I know that it was impulsive and stupid... but the tomb vampires are planning an attack against the founding families and I can't lose him." She says and I turn to her slowly. "What did you just say?"

"I can't lose him." She repeats and I facepalm. "No, about the tomb vampires." 

"They're attacking tonight. I thought you knew that." Her phone starts ringing and she walks away to answer it. I hope that she's mistaken for two reasons. One, the whole tomb will be after Elena and Jeremy and I'm not sure that the 3 of us can protect them. And two, Katherine warned me which means deep down inside of her, she gives a damn about me and I hate that for me. It's easier to want her dead if there's not a single chance of her redemption.

I clear my head and focus on what's important. I need to get Elena and Jeremy to safety and stop him from making the biggest mistake of his life. He probably thinks that it'll solve all his problems but he couldn't be more wrong. I push a strand of hair behind my ear and search for either one of them talking but all I get is Stefan and Damon arguing. Do they ever stop? 

"Get over yourself. We both know you're not doing this for the right reasons." Stefan tells Damon and I can hear the resentment in his voice. I don't know what they're talking about but I couldn't care less. Probably something to do with Elena. "You see, there you go with that little jealousy act again. What are the right reasons, Stefan? Enlighten me, please! I saw you earlier, eyeing Sofia. You have no room to judge me considering your own girl drama." Damon fires back.

I roll my eyes at the feud and head over to them but Alaric steps in my way. "We need to talk." He grabs my hand and drags me away as Anna did earlier. "What? And if you tell me that the tomb vampires are planning an attack, I just might scream." 

"How do you... nevermind. We need to get Elena and Jeremy home." He holds my hand as we walk over to the bickering Salvatores and doesn't let go for anything. "The tombies are attacking. I need you two to stop fussing and take Elena and Jer home and make sure nothing happens to Jer. He might have vampire blood in his system." I tell the two of them and then Ric leads me away. Stefan says something but I'm not trying to hear him.

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