A Few Good Men

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I look around the living room displeased. "Damon?" I ask him cautiously as I walk further in. He lifts his head from a bleeding girl for a moment. "What?" He responds shortly and returns to feeding off the girl. "What happened? What is wrong with you?" I walk over to the rest of the teenage girls and force them to drink my blood to heal and then send them home. "I didn't ask you to do that," Damon tells me curtly and throws the unconscious girl to the side. "Yeah, well I don't give a shit. Now, what the hell happened to you?" I ask him again, this time my stance disapproving and my arms crossed.

"You didn't hear? Katherine wasn't in the tomb." He explains his mess with a frown. I take a deep breath and look to the side. And if looks could kill. "You knew? And you couldn't tell me?" His frown turns into a full scowl. "I thought that you would get it by now. If I wasn't in the tomb, what makes you think that she was?" I ask him, hoping that he wouldn't get angry. Well, I was hoping that I would never have to explain in the first place but I don't exactly get what I want.

He turns away from me and then whips around a second later. "Wait, have you seen her?" He looks perplexed but optimistic. Oh, Damon. I debate whether I should lie or not but he gets his answer from my silence. "I really thought that we were friends but I was dead wrong." He drags the word dead as if it was funny and then takes a swig of whiskey. "I didn't tell you because I'm your friend. I know how you get when you're sad." I tell him defeatedly. There's no point in even trying. Damon is just going to be Damon.

"I'm not sad! I only spent, what, 145 years focusing on getting Katherine out of that tomb? I would say that I'm free of a burden." He takes another swig. I grab the bottle from him angrily and throw it against the wall. "So that's it? You're just going to sit and pout for the rest of your life because you couldn't rescue someone who didn't want to be rescued? You didn't give up on me when Vicki died and I'm not giving up on you now. Hate me or whatever, that's fine, but I'm not going anywhere." I take a step closer to him with every word until we're chest to chest.

It takes him a second to process my words but he finally nods his head in agreement. I just hope it's real. I pull him into a hug and rest my head on his chest. "I'm so sorry," I whisper to him honestly. I am sorry that he's wasted all this time on a psychotic bastard that never cared for him. I am sorry that I kept things from him. I am sorry that I didn't just tell him the damn truth when I should have never doubted him. Damon kisses my hair and then says, "I'm sorry too."

"What are you sorry for?" I pull away from him and look at him. "Everything. You were trying to tell me all this time and I just didn't listen. Seems like I never listen." Damon laughs humorlessly with a shake of his head. "It's okay, Damon. We can move past this." I nod at him reassuringly. Damon turns his head and glares at something. I turn to see Stefan. "Hey." He greets me and I smile. "Hey."

So Stefan and I aren't together but I've let go of my grudges. It's better being friends than enemies. Besides, I've seen the way he looks at Elena. It's obvious but there's one problem: Damon looks at her like that too. And after seeing him like this over Katherine, we don't need a repeat of 1864.

"There was a woman you may have known a few years back named Isobel in North Carolina at Duke," Stefan tells Damon and I sigh. "Um, Stef. I don't think it's such a good idea to discuss the women of the past. It's still a touchy subject." I inform him and pray that he'll save it for a sunny day. "Unfortunately, this is important. You killed her." Stefan lets Damon know and I mentally facepalm. I just got Damon in a good spot and Stefan's going to ruin it. "Why is this important?" I ask him. "I can't say for sure right now. It's probably best to not start rumors. I just—just wanna know if you remember anything about her." Stefan tells me and then turns back to Damon.

"Oh, it's like a needle in a haystack, Stefan." Damon dismisses Stefan's claims and I wish he would just stop. "Please, Damon. This is important." Stefan repeats himself. "Nothing is important. Not anymore." Damon smiles at him without any signs of actual emotion on his face. Stefan and I exchange looks and then I gesture for him to leave. He gives me a look that says figure-it-out as if it was so easy and then finally exits the house. "Nothing is important? Not me? Not yourself? Not Elena? We are not doing this Damon. You don't get to act like this, you don't have the right. If you stop caring, Katherine wins and we don't want that do we?" I try to convince myself rather than him.

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