There Goes the Neighborhood

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It's been a while since I've been to school and I need some sort of normal basis so... here I am. After my run-in with Katherine, Elena told me that Isobel compelled a guy to tell Elena to stop searching for her and then to kill himself. Super subtle. I'm going to have to start tracking down Isobel and tell her to mind her boundaries. She's made her presence known to the point that she needs to back up a little. The last thing Elena needs in her life is a psycho vampire mother who can't control herself. Elena also mentioned that it was Damon who turned Isobel. After he slept with her. I can't say that I'm surprised. 

I tried to track him down but I think he's avoiding me. He's been acting so strange around me and I want to know why. "Damon hasn't said a word to me. Every time I try to talk to him he shuts me down." Stefan tells Elena and I as we walk to class. Because we are ordinary teenagers. "Wait, you talked to him? I think he's hiding from me." I ask Stefan. "Well, I talk. He won't answer but I've seen him. I think it's because you're exactly what he needs and he knows that so he's self-destructing." Stefan tries to comfort me but it doesn't work. Why would Damon be pushing me away if he knows he needs me?

"Do you think he's still trying to find Katherine?" Elena wonders aloud and I huff. "I don't know. He waited a hundred and forty-five years only to find out that Katherine could not care less. I mean it's gotta hurt, right?" I answer her as if she might know how it feels. I should tell Stefan that I saw Katherine but I can't with Elena here. I know that it's a good thing that Elena is his number one priority and that he's going to do anything in his power to protect her. But it's kinda unfortunate for me. Damon is my number one priority and I can't have them interfering right now. It's not the time for that.

"And it couldn't have happened to a nicer guy." Elena rolls her eyes and I stop walking. They both stop and turn to face me. "He didn't know that was your mom, Elena. How could he? You can't be mad at him for turning her." I defend Damon. They have really got to stop acting like that towards Damon. He's not the bad guy. There are plenty of other people like - I don't know - Isobel.

"You have every reason to be upset with him. Have you thought any more about what you're going to do?" Stefan corrects me and it's my turn to roll my eyes. Maybe I won't stay all day. I'm hardly a teenager. I excuse myself from the love birds and go into the bathroom. There is a group of girls in front of the mirror reapplying their makeup. "Out." I tell them with no hints of a joke. Some of them walk out and one stays. "Make me." She puffs out her chest and gets in my face. 

I place my hand on her shoulder. She slowly looks from my hand to my face with a murderous look on her face. If I didn't know any better, I would say that she's the school bully. "Don't move. Don't scream." I order her. Her eyes get wide when she realizes that she can't move. I'm so going to regret this but with Katherine running around, I can't take my chances. I take a gulp of air and then bury my fangs in her neck. She opens her mouth to scream but no sound comes out.

I know that I can kill her, I know that I want to kill her.

I retract my canines and pull away from her. She's shaking a little. I bite into my wrist and put it into her mouth to heal her. Within minutes, her neck is as good as new. "I didn't catch your name."

"Br-Brenda." The girl stutters out her name. "Nice to meet you, Brenda. Now forget this ever happened." I compel her. Brenda shuts her eyes and I walk past her out of the bathroom before she opens them again. I could've compelled her to stop bullying others but people have to learn to change on their own. It has to be a choice.

"Hey." Caroline walks up to me with a smile on her face. "Um, hi." I return bewildered. Why is Caroline talking to me? "So, I know that we aren't exactly friends but Bonnie and Elena both said that you are sorta a good guy now and I need help." She explains expectantly and really fast. I nod my head slowly to show my agreement. "So, I don't think that Matt is really over Elena so I planned a double date tonight." She bites her lip, analyzing the situation she created. "And how do I play into this Care?"

"Will you come? Like a plus one or something? I just need someone there to, you know, pull me into the bathroom if it gets weird." She clarifies. Her control freak is definitely showing. "Why can't Bonnie do it?" I almost snap at her and I blink at myself startled. What the hell is wrong with me? Caroline takes a step away from me with her eyes wide. "I'm sorry Care, it has just been a rough day. I'll be there." I try to manage the damage with a small smile. She gives me a smile back and then thanks me.

Caroline runs off and now I have to choose. Do I want to stay at school or do I want to leave? I make my decision by running home.

When I get there, Pearl is sitting on the couch with Anna and Damon is standing up with his arms crossed. Now there is a person I never wanted to see again. "What the hell is going on?" I demand. Pearl stands up to greet me with a hug. I lean back away from her, rejecting the hug. She frowns at me and I can see Damon stifling a laugh.  "I didn't like you then and I don't like you now. Now, what are you doing here? I don't want your bad juju in my safe space."

"Nice to see you again, Sofia. I sure did miss you. I'm not asking for your help, Damon. Finding Katherine was just a mere gesture of kindness. The rest is non-negotiable." She keeps talking to Damon to cover up her own embarrassment. Then she pushes him on the couch and leans down over him. I push her away from him with enough force to send her flying. She falls onto the ground and Anna, who has been silent this whole time, runs to her side. Damon stands up on alert and Pearl does the same. "You always were such a bitch, Sofia. No wonder Katherine left you."

I narrow my eyes at her. "Katherine left me because she's a weak little bastard that deserves to be alone for eternity." I snap back. Pearl out of all people can't hurt my feelings. "Is that why she left Damon too?" Pearl pokes fun at Damon when she realizes that. Damon starts walking towards her but I put my hand out to stop him. "She is not worth it."

It takes a second to sink in but Damon relaxes. "Get out or get hurt." I threaten Pearl, not Anna. Anna is my friend. I walk over to her and link my arm with hers. "You can stay if you want but the Wicked Witch has got to go." I lead her to the door and Pearl follows right behind her. "I can't."

I nod my head as they walk away. When the door closes, I turn to Damon. "Hello Mr. Avoiding Sofia." I cross my arms. "I didn't need you to save me." He barks at me, ignoring my greeting. "Okay, what is your problem with me!?" I yell at him. I am so tired of him acting like this toward me. I haven't done shit to him. Damon pushes me up against the wall softly and leans close to me. "I don't like to feel and you make me feel."

I totally bail on Caroline's double date. Instead, I roam the woods and wait for Katherine to make another grand entrance.

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