Under Control

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I woke up to blaring music playing in my ear so loud and annoyingly that I could rip my eardrums out at this point. I throw my pillow over my head in an attempt to block it out but it doesn't work. Instead of sleeping as I had planned, I groaned and got up. "Whichever Salvatore is playing that disgusting shit is about to get their eyes gouged out of their sockets." I warn as I trudge into Stefan's room. "So you're the one who has asked for death to come pick you up, yeah?"

Stefan ignores my humor and continues working out. Shirtless. "Stefan?" I say his name as I try to grab his attention. I want this damn music off and I'm sure he doesn't want me to turn it off because the boom box will end up in pieces. He stands up and my eyes float to his abs. "What?" He snaps at me and my gaze returns to his face. "Don't act like we're on bad terms, Stef. I saved you yesterday. Twice. Once from death and once from yourself so don't do that. Talk to me." I plop down on his bed and throw him a shirt in the process.

"What is this for? It seems like you were enjoying the view." Stefan smirks at me and I tilt my head at him disapprovingly. He smiles and puts on the shirt. At least he smiled. And to ruin that smile, Damon walks in and shuts off the music. "Don't you have school today?" He asks Stefan and when he turns, I can see the glass of blood in his hand. So that's why he came in here.

"Seriously, Damon?" I ask him with an eyebrow raised. He can't be any more obvious or stupid. Stefan takes off his shirt and starts doing more pushups. "Oh come on. Just drink already. Come on, this self-detox is not natural." Damon waves the glass in front of Stefan's face and Stefan stares at it longingly. I stand up and push Damon away from Stefan. "If you're just gonna sit here and torture him, then get the fuck out."

Damon smiles at me wickedly. "So you can keep dreamily staring at Stefan's abs? Pass. Besides, how long has it been since he weaned himself off the blood last time?" Damon asks me as if I would know. I shrug at his question and his stupid comeback. "I'll be fine; it just takes a little bit of time." Stefan speaks up but doesn't stop his daily workout. I glance at Damon and he does the same to me. Stefan stands up and looks at us. "Seriously guys. I have it all under control."

"You do? Well, then you should just carry on, making the rest of us vampires look bad." Damon leaves the room but not before purposely setting the blood down on the table. Stefan stares at it as he puts on his shirt again. "Hey." I put my hand on his shoulder and pull him away from the temptation. "I want it so bad." He whispers to me, his eyes glued to the ground. "I know, Stef. Look at me." I gently place my fingers under his chin and lift his head. "I promise you that I will not let you give in to the blood. I won't leave your side if that's what it takes."

He suddenly steps away from me and shakes his head. "No. You can't be doing that anymore, Sofia. I love Elena."

I fight the urge to roll my eyes. "Yeah? Well, where is she? Is she hiding in the closet because I don't see her. Stefan, you have to realize that I know you like Elena never will. And maybe it's true that Elena knows you like I never will too but I've accepted that and moved the hell on. But you have to remember that I was there in 1864 and I'm here now. Elena wasn't."

I turn to leave but he pulls me back toward him and into his chest. "How are you still constantly running through my mind even though I've fallen in love with someone else?"

I pull away from him and he looks at me confused. "Stefan, we can't go there. You know that. Elena is my friend and so are you. I can't ruin that."

"Isn't this what you want? This whole time you've been telling me how much you love me and now you don't want to because you're my friend? The one time I give in you don't want to." He shakes his head like he can't believe it. Yeah, well neither do I. "Stefan, you only feel this way about me because of the blood lust. You're letting it control you but I won't let it, even if I want it to." I tell him and he laughs. "You think the blood is making me feel this way? Maybe it is but all the blood does is bring out my true self. Don't lie to me. Don't lie to yourself." His voice gets lighter as he talks and he gets closer, closing the gap between us.

My body gets stiff at his closeness. I can't deny that I want to be with Stefan. What I can deny is that I want to hurt the people I care about. I don't want to hurt Elena or Stefan. Or Damon for that matter, even though deep down he might enjoy Elena hating Stefan.

"Stefan, if you-" I start but he puts his thumb over my lips. "I know." He says shortly and then he leans in.

Our lips touch. Every single emotion that I've felt ever since Damon and Stefan came back rushes to the surface. The anger I felt when Katherine started showing herself. The guilt I felt when I didn't tell Damon about her. The sadness I felt when I watched Stefan fall deeper in love with Elena.

He starts getting rough. His hands run all over my body and I push him up against the wall, our lips never leaving each other. 

We did this one time after Guiseppe went to bed. It was the second time we kissed. I told Stefan that his father would be outraged and he told me that he'd get beaten black and blue just to have these moments with me. It feels so good to be with Stefan again, even if this is a fluke. I feel whole, complete. Stefan completes me. 

I run my fingers through his hair aggressively. He reverses us to where I'm pushed up against the wall. I wrap my legs around him and pull him as close as possible. His lips trail down my neck, placing little kisses over every inch. I let out a warm breath. This is bad. We shouldn't be doing this. 

I feel the sharp sting of fangs piercing my neck and I shove him off of me. The veins dance under his eyes and his fangs are bared, showing his true nature. "This is exactly what I'm talking about. You're letting the blood control you." I wipe the red liquid off my neck and hold it up in the air. His eyes follow my hand. I take a step closer to him. "You can fight it, Stefan. I know that you can fight it. Look at me." I keep getting closer and closer to him until my hand is right in front of him.

He looks from it to me. "I know you won't hurt me." I swipe my fingers on his lips and his tongue moves quickly to retrieve the blood. "I'm going to keep my word, Stefan. I won't let you fall down the rabbit's hole." I place my hand on his cheek. The veins under his eyes disappear. "I believe in you." I promise him. Stefan covers my hand with his own and pulls me closer to him. He puts his lips back on mine and I smile into the kiss.

But just as quick as he returned his mouth to mine, it was gone again. I open my eyes to the empty room.

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