Family Ties

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I sat on the end of Caroline's bed while Damon laid there reading "Eclipse". She was trying on dresses for the Founder's Day Party tonight. "I don't like that one Caroline," I say to her just to be snarky. "Jaundice. Go with the blue." Damon agrees with me. "I don't like the blue." She looks sad.

"Well, I do. And if I'm gonna be your date—" He doesn't look up from the book. "You cannot be my date. My mother is going to be there, and she is a very proud gun owner." Caroline interrupts him and denies it. "Fine. Sofia will you be my date?" He puts the book down and grins at me. "Of course I will." Caroline glares at me through the mirror and I smile back.

"You know what? Just take him! He obviously appreciates you way more than he appreciates me." Caroline puts her hand on her hip and starts walking away. I vamp speed in front of her. "Poor Caroline. She never gets the guy." I fake pout while using her biggest insecurity against her. She doesn't respond, just walks past me. I let her go. I'm not going to bother the topic any more than I already have.

"Wow, you're a little on edge today," Damon says from the bed, still reading the novel. "I'm tired of being so nice to everybody. I've been living a lie for the past couple of months and I never knew it. I mean, I'm a dead person who wants to live. Is that crazy?" I ask him before we head back home.


Damon and I are sitting on the couch when Zach walks in. "I didn't know you were here. Oh my god. Katherine?" He looks scared and backs up so that he's far far away from me. "I'm Sofia. Katherine is my sister." I explain to him.

"How are you here? And why?" His face doesn't change and neither does his stance. I don't answer which leads him to keep talking. "You two are the reason people are dying. You shouldn't be here." 

I pick him up by his throat, baring my fangs. "You don't get to comment on our lives, Zach. If I were you, I would stay out of our way." I warn him, hoping he'll take it seriously. I would hate to kill Stefan's last living relative.

"I didn't mean to upset you, Sofia." He chokes out, his hands still scratching at my own. "I'm not upset." I relax my face.

"What's going on?" Stefan walks into the living room at the perfect time. I drop Zach and straighten his shirt. "Family time." I smile at Zach and Stefan. "You and I aren't family." Stefan rejects. "But you wanted to be." I left him with the thought to go upstairs and get ready for the party.

"How long are you going to torture him with the whole fiance thing?" Damon asks me as we walk up the stairs. "Are you complaining?" I turn around to face him with a smirk on my face. "Not at all, I actually enjoy it." He responds lowly but I'm sure it's a lie. I go to my room, which is actually just a room that I took residence in. And then I realize that I don't have a dress. I pull out my phone and call Elena.

"I need a favor," I tell her slowly, hoping she won't combust while I'm talking to her. "You're asking for my help?" She asks like she can't believe it. And I don't blame her. "Look, so I've been a little mean to you. I'm sorry. I just-" I pause and brace for the impact of what I'm about to say. "Feel so guilty that I never got to meet mom and dad." I lie right through my teeth. God, I'm such a terrible person. I can hear her sigh through the phone. "What's the favor? And where are you? I'll meet you." 

"I'm at Damon's. I need you to bring me a dress for the party." I smile, despite my previous guilt. I know that she's going to have a problem with me being at Damon's. "You're at Stefan's house?"

"Well, since Damon and Stefan are brothers... I would say yes." I tell her sarcastically and she hangs up. "Wow, low blow bringing Elena's parents up," Damon says from my doorway. He's smirking. "Oh my. Do you care?" I smirk back at him. "Never." He hands me a glass of bourbon. I drain it in a second.

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