Lost Girls

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"You know," Stefan says, looking directly at me even though he's not talking to me. "No, I don't." 

"Yes, you do, or you wouldn't be here." He doesn't take his eyes off of me. "It's not possible. It can't be." I say desperately and I can see that I hit a nerve on him. Ah, I love messing with Stefan. "Everything you know...And every belief that you have is about to change. Are you ready for that?" Stefan finally switches his gaze to Elena. This part of the conversation isn't for me.

"One second, Elena. Let me have a word with Stefan." I tell Elena but she grabs my arm. "Don't go in there." She pleads with not only her voice but her eyes as well.

"I'm fine. He won't hurt me." I assure her, removing her hand from my arm. The second I close the door, Stefan's against the wall. "My bracelet, Stefan, or I will kill little Elena." I hold my hand out. He takes my bracelet out of his jean pocket and puts it back on me. He tries to walk away but I push him back. "If you say anything about me, I will take this stake, which no doubt you were going to go use on Damon, and drive it through your heart." I give him a small smile and open the door for him to face Elena.

"Are you okay?" Elena's eyes scan my body for any signs of injury. "I'm fine," I tell her, and she pushes me behind her protectively which doesn't make any sense to me but I go with it.

"I'm a vampire." He tells her which actually surprises me. He trusts her enough to tell her a secret that can get both of them killed. Let's not repeat 1864. "We shouldn't have come." Elena walks away but Stefan vamp speeds in front of her. This time I push her behind me.

"Let us go, Stefan." I give him a warning look. "No. Elena, there are things that you have to know and understand." His gaze turns to Elena. She grabs my hand and starts running towards the car. "Elena, please." He begs. Before I get in the car, I give him a snicker and wave my fingers.

Once we're in the car and on our way home she turns to me. "Why weren't you scared of him? Wait, did you already know?"

"Of course I already knew. Damon's my best friend." I tell her cautiously and for a second I consider telling her about me but decide against it when I realize how bad her reaction will be.

"How could you not tell me? I'm your sister! He could've hurt me!" Elena raises her voice and I just want her to shut up again. "He won't hurt you, Elena. I won't let him. You're safe." I try to reassure her but she's deadset on Stefan going to murder her. "You won't let him? Are you crazy? He can kill you in an instant!" 

"He won't hurt me either. Elena, you've been with him. You know him. Don't let this tear you guys apart." I reason with her and I can tell that she's starting to calm down but only a little. "How did you react when you found out?" 

I do a little thinking before I answer. She doesn't even know half the humor that comes with the story. "Well, I was surprised at first but then I realized that he's still my Damon." 

"'My Damon'?" She quotes in question. "You know what I mean." I glare at her through the corner of my eyes. When we get home, she runs to her room and locks the door. So she's scared. I don't blame her. I make my way to my room and flop on my bed. I close my eyes to sleep but can't when I hear Elena and Stefan in the next room. 

"All those animal attacks, those people who died..." Elena trails off. Her voice is unsteady like she's about to cry. "No. That was Damon!" Stefan exclaims and I roll my eyes.

I open Elena's door and cross my arms. "Okay, Stefan. Time to leave." I tell him. He looks up at me, ignores me, and keeps talking to Elena. "I don't drink human blood. That's not how I choose to survive, but Damon does! I'll explain everything to you, but I beg you, Elena, do not tell anybody." He doesn't move an inch.

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