Fool Me Once

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"Hello, sister. It's been a while." Katherine smiles widely with confidence. I stand up slowly, not taking my eyes off of her for even a second. I know that she's unpredictable but I'm much more attentive than she thinks. "You have a lot of nerve showing your face to me considering how I remember everything. I can kill you in a second and both you and I know you deserve it." I scowl at her. "Relax. I'm not here to fight you. I'm here spying on my lover, or dare I say our lover." She snickers at the fact that she compelled my fiance to love her. I take a warning step towards her and she steps back.

"Okay, fine. I said I'm not here to fight." Her smirk falls as if she's serious. As if she's ever serious. "I don't care what you're doing but I don't want you here." I cross my arms. She rolls her eyes and I take it as an opportunity to push her up against a tree. "I'm not fucking around with you Katherine. You either leave or I will kill you." I promise her with a menacing tone. She smiles bitchily and shrugs me off of her. "That might work on Stefan and Damon but I am not scared of you. You should be scared of me and my plans."

I knew it wouldn't work but that was the plan. If she thinks that I know I can't kill her, she won't expect me to try. "Fine. What do you actually want? I might even be able to help you." I step away from her and take a seat on a nearby log. "Look at you. It's almost like old times. You do remember the old times right? We did everything together. Unseperatable. It could be like that again." She tells me and for a second I can almost see hope woven into her face. I'm trying to pretend to be nice so she'll leave but it's so hard. I just want to lock her in the tomb where she should be.

"Yes, just like old times when you murdered me and got our entire family killed because of it," I mock her frail effort to make me want to run away with her. Next thing I know, she might have Stefan, Damon or Elena killed. "I did it for you, Sofia. Get over it. Besides, you wouldn't have ever met Damon or Stefan if it weren't for me. Speaking of, I need you to keep that you saw me to yourself, infernal plan, and all. Not that you're having trouble with that at all. Tell me, when exactly were you planning to tell Damon that I'm not in that tomb?" She teases at my weakness. 

I cross my legs and clench my jaw. My phone rings to interrupt the silence. I pull it out of my pocket to answer it but Katherine snatches it out of my hand. She gives me a satisfactory smile and answers it. "Hello, Stefan."

I clench my fist and try not to say anything. "Sof, I need your help. Anna has Elena." Stefan begs from the other side of the line. "Aw, that's sweet. You guys are on a nickname basis now." Katherine covers the phone with her hand so Stefan can't hear her. "Do you know where she is?" Stefan continues. "Why would I help you?" Katherine asks him harshly. I gotta give her some credit, she does know how to act like me but that can become a bad thing in an instant. "Do it for me. Please." He begs some more. Katherine smiles at me arrogantly. "Anything for you, Stef."

She hangs up the phone and tosses it to me. "I guess you have somewhere to be."

I put my phone back in my pocket and vamp-speed to the Salvatore boarding house. I let myself in and I am immediately greeted by Stefan. "Thank you."

"Yeah, don't mention it." I roll my eyes at him. I wouldn't have to save Elena if it weren't for my stupid sister. "So what's the plan?" I ask him after it's silent for a beat. "The plan is that you're not helping my brother get back his stupid girlfriend." Damon comes down the stairs with a drink in his hand. "What are you talking about? Aren't you on the Save Elena Squad?" I ask him with my brows furrowed. "I was until I found out that Anna is holding her hostage to get Bonnie to do the spell that opens the tomb. Works for me." Damon shrugs and takes a sip of his drink. Goddamnit, Damon. You are so lovestruck that you are willing to let anybody die for Katherine? She's definitely not worth it. Before I can open my mouth to say anything, Damon is in front of me and snaps my neck.

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