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I stand outside of the grill and wait for the woman to come out. She knows Katherine and I want to know how and why the hell she would want to. Alaric walks out of the grill quickly and fumbles with his keys. My eyes widen as I remember where I've seen her. That's Elena's mother. She's not dead, Damon didn't kill her. Wait... that means.

"Are you okay? Did she threaten you?" I run over to Alaric and help him with his keys. I turn around and come face to face with her. "What do you want from Alaric?" I cross my arms. I don't bother asking her about Katherine. Alaric being friends with Damon and all. "Why are you- Sofia." Her face changes as she realizes who I am. "You really do look just like her."
I glance at Ric. "I do look like Elena because she's my sister." I hint at Isobel and just pray that she won't do what I think she's going to. And this is why I don't believe in God. "Hardly. Elena's your what? Great Great Great... Oh you get the point."

I look over at Ric who probably isn't even listening to our jabber. He's too busy taking in the sight of his 'dead' wife. "What do you want?" I echo myself. "I already told Alaric. And if I don't get what I want, I'm gonna start killing the citizens of this town one by one. Should sound familiar to you." She grimaces and then walks away.

I open Ric's car door and close it behind him. "What did she want?" I ask him as I jump in his passenger's seat. "She wants to meet Elena but I don't trust her. She's up to no good, I can tell." He starts the car and starts driving. "I can take you home if you want me to."

"Oh no, buddy. You've got an insane ex-wife running around. I'm not letting you out of my sight. Even if that means I have to go back to school." I reject and prop my feet up on the dashboard. He doesn't ask why or disagree either. Good, because I'm not taking no for an answer.

He pulls into his apartment complex and stops the car. "School doesn't start until 8." He says awkwardly. "Don't make it weird, Ric. It's a friendly sleepover. Plus, I haven't slept in days. And I need a break from the drama at home. Trust me, you're doing me a favor." I explain and then get out.

He leads me to his apartment and opens up the door. "Well, this is the place I call home. It's kinda messy." He rubs the back of his neck self-consciously. "Don't worry about it, seriously. I'm a slob too." I lie to him to make him feel better. I'm actually kind of a neat freak. He nods his head and then locks the door. I take off my jacket and make myself comfortable. "I can sleep on the couch-" He starts but I interrupt him. "Go to sleep. I'll be watching out for any big bad vampires who try to huff and puff and blow your house down, okay?"

He laughs at me and then retreats to his room. I lay down and fall asleep in a second.


Alaric wakes me up and holds a blood bag up for me. I stretch and take a sip. This tastes way better than whatever animal Damon fed me yesterday. "We're already late, take it to go." He hands me my jacket and I raise my eyebrows surprised. Okay Ric. We hurry out the door and into the car. "You do realize that I can run faster than this car right?" I ask him jokingly as he pulls out of the parking lot. "Oh yeah?" He challenges and starts going 30 over the speed limit. I laugh and look out the window at the blurs of green. Man, I miss moments like this.

Red and blue lights start flashing behind us and the sirens blare. "Oh shit. It's okay, I can just compel them." I tell him as I sit up and put my seatbelt on as any respectable human would do. "You do realize that all the cops are on vervain, right?" He looks at me doubtingly as he pulls onto the side of the road. "Should've known. I have really got to start paying attention in the council meetings." I shrug at the thought.

A black flashlight knocks gently against the window and Ric rolls it down. A friendly face pops up and I grin from ear to ear. "Sheriff Forbes!" I exclaim. "Alaric. Sofia." She greets us with a tight smile. "I'm sorry, Liz. We're really late." Alaric apologizes. Liz looks between the two of us. "Why are you two together?" She asks suspiciously. I giggle.

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