Friday Night Bites

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I woke up in the Salvatore Boarding House, a place I haven't been in for years. "Good morning, Sofia." Damon walks into the room with a cup of coffee. "Hi." I smile and accept the caffeine gratefully. "So, are you ready for the day I have planned for us?" He asks me with a hopeful look on his face that I just can't turn down. "Absolutely. What's on the agenda?" 

"Just have a couple of errands to run." He shrugs his shoulders like it's no big deal and I immediately have a feeling it's bad. "Like what?" I tilt my head in his direction. "Well, for starters we have to go to my girlfriend's house. I'm driving her to school today, trying to get to Stefan you know?" Damon takes a seat on my bed.

"Girlfriend?" I raise my eyebrow in disbelief. "Yes! We're in love!" He replies sarcastically. "This'll be fun." I roll my eyes and laugh.

When he said 'girlfriend', I wasn't expecting it to be Caroline Forbes. "Ohhh, I'll bet Elena is seething," I say from the backseat like a loser. I mean c'mon, I'm not a backseat rider. "You tell me, your her twin." He disses me. "Ouch, you know that I don't know how I ended up in this situation." I prop my feet up on the center console. "Damon!" Caroline exclaims as she gets in the front seat. "What are you doing here Sofia?" She whips around to face me and glares. 

"Well, that's no way to talk to your boyfriend's best friend, Caroline." I glare right back. "I don't care whose best friend you are I still don't like you." She turns back around and leans in to kiss Damon. "Apologize." He leans away from her. "What?" She blinks her eyes like she didn't hear him. Damon doesn't repeat himself. Damn, he must have made her forget who she is.

"You know what? This back seat is really cramped. Let's switch Caroline." I don't ask, I tell her. She looks to Damon for him to protest but he doesn't. I just laugh as I climb in the front seat. "Much better. Let's go see my dweeb of a sister." Caroline starts to say something but I tell her to shut up.


The look on Elena's face is priceless when we pull up. Even though I'm not actually a Gilbert I still have to pretend so I don't get caught. Caroline jumps up to kiss Damon when the car stops and she struts over to the group of cheerleaders. "Sofia Gilbert, get out of that car right now," Elena orders me. "Or what, mom?" I challenge her and Damon pulls away for dramatic effect. Being bad is fun.

"That was fun. I mean getting on Elena's nerves not watching you lock lips with my sworn enemy." I clarify and smile at him. "Oh my. Is that jealousy I hear?" He fake gasps and questions me like a child. "Hardly. What's next on our Evil Checklist to piss off Mystic Falls?" I look over at him. "Actually, I was thinking that we could just chill. Isn't that what they say nowadays?" He furrows his eyebrows and I giggle. "Did THE Damon Salvatore just ask if we could 'chill'?" He glares at me over his shoulder.

"Can I ask you something?" I look out the window to avoid his stare. "Well, you just did."

"Do you like being a vampire?" I blurt and then I regret it. "You know what. Don't answer that."

He's silent for a second but then he answers me. "At first, I hated it but as my life went on, I got used to it."

"I didn't ask if you got used to it, I asked if you like it." I rephrase and this time he doesn't answer.

He takes us to the grill and we drink the day away. I tell him about my couple of months as a Gilbert and he tells me about his adventures since 1864. "How come you don't remember past the accident?"

He asks the question that I wake up asking myself every day. "I honestly don't know, Damon, but I want to. I want to know how I ended up on Elena's doorstep. I want to know how I forgot everything about you and Stefan. I want to know how Stefan doesn't even know me and we were going to get married." It's crazy how I can barely stop thinking about it. It's crazy how I can just push everything to the back of my mind so I don't have to think about it.

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